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From Genoa to Jerusalem and beyond. Studies in medieval and world history

Autore: Kedar Benjamin Z.

Titolo: From Genoa to Jerusalem and beyond. Studies in medieval and world history

Editore: libreriauniversitaria.it

Pagine: 578

Ean: 9788833591780

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What are the factors that may enable a society to preserve its culture despite a total political collapse and a lasting subjugation to a foreign power? When, where and why did arise the practice to expel an entire category of people beyond a country's borders? What can one learn about group mentality through the personal names that group members give to their children? What were the uses of the harbor chain, from the Greeks, Phoenicians and Romans of Antiquity down to the Prussian-French war of 1870? What does a hitherto unknown Arabic account reveal about Genoa of the 930s? Why did the Norman priest Giuàn of Oppido Lucano decide to convert to Judaism in 1102? How did the Pisan enthusiast Ranieri come to regard himself - in Frankish Jerusalem in the mid-twelfth century - a second incarnation? How did the Franciscan friar William of Rubruck present in 1254 the Christian case during a debate with a Buddhist at the court of the Mongol Grand Qan Möngke? What do we know about the Genoese Street of thirteenth-century Frankish Acre? These and other questions are discussed in the 31 studies of medieval and world history collected in the present volume.


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