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The Queen's Lancashire Regiment (2003) Cap Badge

This Sale is for the Cap Badge as formerly worn by the Queen's Lancashire Regiment (QLR).
This Cap Badge was introduced in 2003 and replaced the staybrite anodised red rose version. Since it's introduction this particular Cap Badge as become highly collectable.

Brand new and unissued metal Brass and enamel Cap Badge made by SM (Shaw Munster), which measures approx. 43mm (from top of Badge to the base of the badge), complete with its mounted Brass slider and Primrose yellow soft foam backing.

NSN: 8455-99-147-5061


Guaranteed new and in mint condition. 


Brief Regimental History 


1970 - Formation of The Queen's Lancashire Regiment


The Queen's Lancashire Regiment (30th, 40th, 47th, 59th, 81st and 82nd Regiments of Foot) (QLR) was an Infantry Regiment of the British Army, part of the King's Division. It was formed on the 25 March 1970 at Connaught Barracks in Dover through the amalgamation of the two remaining Lancashire Infantry Regiments, the Lancashire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Volunteers) and the Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire). Colours presented by Field Marshal Sir Gerald Walter Robert Templer KG, GCB, GCMG, KBE, DSO.

Since formation, the Queen's Lancashires have served on operations in Northern Ireland in 1970, 1971 - 1972, 1975 - 1976 (resident), 1977, 1980 - 1981, 1987, 1990 - 1992, 1997 - 1999 (resident) and 2001 during the course of which eight soldiers were killed in action.

The 1st Battalion undertook two tours with BAOR in the Mechanised role. The first of which was with 12 Mechanised Brigade in Osnabrück from 1970 to 1974. The second was with 33 Armoured Brigade in Paderborn from 1984 - 1990. The 1st Battalion also had the honour of being the last British Battalion to serve in Berlin prior to the final withdrawal in 1994. 

Overseas service saw the 1st Battalion posted to Cyprus from 1978 - 1980 as the Eastern Sovereign Base Area Resident Battalion, and again in 1983, where they saw service with the United Nations. A Company was dispatched to the Falkland Islands in the aftermath of the 1982 war. The 1st Battalion returned to Cyprus as the Western Sovereign Base Area Resident Battalion from 2004 - 2005, again dispatching a Company to the Falkland Islands.

In 1996 the 1st Battalion served as part of IFOR in Bosnia operating in the area known as "The Anvil"

The Regiment's 1st Battalion saw service in Iraq in the months immediately following Operation Telic, from June to November 2003. Given responsibility for Iraq's second city, Basrah, it gained much praise for its efforts to restore security and civil order, but also suffered casualties of one dead and 32 injured sufficiently seriously to require medical evacuation to the United Kingdom.

Overseas training deployments were frequent for the 1st Battalion including exercises in Canada, the Gambia, Belize, Kenya and the Oman.

In 1983 and again in 1995, the 1st Battalion had the honour of conducting Public Duties, providing the Royal Guard in London.


As well as the Regular 1st Battalion, the Regiment also had a Territorial Army 4th Battalion, which was formed on 1st April 1975, with Headquarters at Kimberley Barracks, Preston and Companies at various times in Ashton-under-Lyne, Blackburn, Blackpool, Bolton, Burnley and Bury. The Battalion had a Nato role and trained overseas in Germany, France, Gibraltar and the United States. The Battalion also provided reinforcements for the 1st Battalion.

Lancastrian & Cumbrian Volunteers

As part of the Strategic Defence Review, the 4th Battalion merged with the 4th Battalion The King's Own Royal Border Regiment to create the Lancastrian and Cumbrian Volunteers. This new unit had two Queen's Lancashire Rifle Companies, one at Preston with a detachment at Blackpool, the other at Blackburn with a Royal Regiment of Fusiliers detachment at Bury. The Headquarters was still at Preston but was multi-capbadged.

Members of the LCV have seen extensive operational service. In June 2002, the LCV were tasked to provide the first all TA Platoon which was to be mobilised to go to Afghanistan and provide the protection force for Headquarters British Forces in Kabul. In the following weeks, a total of 39 soldiers were selected, trained and mobilised for this task. They went into theatre on 2 September and left Kabul on 6 December 2002.

In 2003, 10 personnel were mobilised for service in Iraq on Operation Telic 1. Later in the year a further 97 personnel were mobilised to serve with the 1st Battalion on Op Telic 2 from May to December. Further personnel were mobilised for subsequent operations.

Members of the LCV have also served on other operations in areas such as the Balkans.

Iraqi Abuse Claims

Some months after returning from Iraq the Battalion was at the centre of the first serious accusations of abuse against Iraqi prisoners levelled at British soldiers. These accusations were illustrated on the front pages of the Daily Mirror by photographs which the Regiment immediately denounced as staged fakes. The Regiment then ran a successful campaign, believed to be unique for an active unit of the British Armed Forces, to prove that the pictures were false. After two weeks, the Mirror was forced to admit that it had found "sufficient evidence to suggest that these pictures are fakes and that the Daily Mirror has been the subject of a calculated and malicious hoax." Editor Piers Morgan was forced to resign when he refused to apologise. During the controversy, one senior officer of the Regiment was quoted as saying that "it is time to measure the ego of one tabloid editor against the lives of British soldiers (still serving in Iraq)" Another was reported by the BBC as saying 'this Regiment has taken on Louis XIV, Napoleon, the Kaiser and Hitler. I don't think Piers Morgan will detain us long'.

There has however been at least one case of true abuse; Corporal Donald Payne became Britain's first convicted war criminal after pleading guilty to abusing Iraqi detainees, which resulted in the death of one detainee Baha Mousa.

The Duke of Lancaster's Regiment

On 16th December 2004, it was announced that the Queen's Lancashire Regiment would be merged with the King's Regiment and the King's Own Royal Border Regiment into the two Battalion Duke of Lancaster's Regiment (King's Lancashire and Border).

On 1 July 2006, the 1st Battalion, Queen's Lancashire Regiment became the 1st Battalion, Duke of Lancaster's Regiment. The 1st Battalion, QLR, was last based at Belfast Barracks, Osnabrück.

Battle honours

The Queen's Lancashire Regiment carried 204 Battle Honours. Six are unique in the British Army, and two (Canton and Fiesole) are unique in the world. There are very few campaigns in the history of the British Army in which some predecessor unit of the Regiment did not take part.

  • Pre-War:
    • Gibraltar 1704-5, Louisberg, Quebec 1759, Belleisle, Martinique 1762, Havannah, St Lucia 1778, Cape of Good Hope 1806, Maida, Monte Video, Rolica. Vimiera, Corunna, Talavera, Java, Tarifa, Badajoz, Salamanca, Vittoria, St Sebastian, Pyrenees, Nivelle, Nive, Orthes, Toulouse, Peninsula, Niagara, Waterloo, Ava, Bhurtpore, Candahar 1842, Ghuznee 1842, Cabool 1842, Maharajpore, Alma, Inkerman, Sevastopol, Lucknow, Canton, New Zealand, Ali Masjib, Ahmed Khel, Afghanistan 1878-80, Chitral, Defence of Kimberley, Relief of Ladysmith, South Africa 1899-1902.
  • The Great War 1914-1918:
    • Mons, Le Cateau, Retreat from Mons, Marne 1914, 18, Aisne 1914, 18, La Basse 1914, Messines 1914, 17, 18, Armentieres 1914, Ypres 1914, 15, 17, 18, Langemarck 1914, 17, Gheluvelt, Nonne Boschen, Givenchy 1914, Neuve Chapelle, St Julien, Frezenberg, Bellewaarde, Aubers, Festubert 1915, Loos, Somme 1916, 18, Albert 1916, 18, Bazentin, Pozieres, Guillemont, Ginchy, Flers-Courcelette, Morval, Le Transloy, Ancre Heights, Ancre 1916, 18, Arras 1917, 18, Vimy 1917, Scarpe 1917, 18, Arleux. Oppy, Pilckem, Menin Road, Polygon Wood Broodseinde, Poelcappelle, Passchendaele, Cambrai 1917, 18, St Quentin, Bapaume 1918, Rosieres, Villers-Bretonneux, Lys, Estaires, Hazebrouck, Bailleul, Kemmel, Bethune, Scherpenberg, Soissonnais-Ourcq, Drocourt-Queant, Hindenberg Line, Epehy, Canal du Nord, St Quentin Canal,Courtrai, Selle, Valenciennes, Sambre, France and Flanders 1914-18, Kosturino, Doiran 1917, 18, Macedonia 1915-18, Helles, Krithia, Suvla, Sari Bair, Gallipoli 1915, Rumani, Egypt 1915-17, Battles of Gaza, Nebi Samwil, Battle of Jerusalem, Jaffa, Tell'Asur. Palestine 1917-18, Tigris 1916, Kut al Amara 1917, Baghdad, Mesopotamia 1916-18, Kilimanjaro, East Africa 1914-16.
  • Inter-War:
    • Baluchistan 1918. Afghanistan 1919.
  • The Second World War 1939-45:
    • Defence of Escaut, Dunkirk 1940, Normandy Landing, Odon, Caen, Bourgebus Ridge, Troarn, Falaise, Nederrijn, Lower Maas, Venraij, Ourthe, Rhineland, Reichswald, Weeze, Hochwald, Rhine, Ibbenburen, Aller, Bremen, North West Europe 1940, 44-45, Banana Ridge, Djebel Kess Kiss, Medjez Plain, Gueriat El Atach Ridge, Gab Gab Gap, Djebel Bou Aoukaz 1943, North Africa 1943, Anzio, Rome, Fiesole, Gothic Line, Monte Gameraldi, Monte Ceco, Monte Grand, Italy 1944-45, Madagascar, Middle East 1942, Johore, Batu Pahat, Singapore Island, Malaya 1941-42, North Arakan, Mayu Tunnels, Pinwe, Meiktila, Nyaungu Bridgehead, Letse, Irrawaddy, Burma 1943-45.



  •  Canada - The Princess of Wales' Own Regiment
  •  Canada - The West Nova Scotia Regiment
  •  Canada - The Loyal Edmonton Regiment (4th Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry)
  •  Australia - The Royal Tasmania Regiment
  •  New Zealand - The Wellington (City of Wellington's Own) and Hawke's Bay Regiment
  •  Pakistan - 8th and 14th Battalions, The Punjab Regiment
  •  Malaysia - 2nd Battalion, The Royal Malay Regiment
  •  South Africa - The Kimberley Regiment
  •  Royal Navy - HMS Lancaster

Freedom Towns

  •  Germany - Spandau
  •  United Kingdom - Blackburn
  •  United Kingdom - Burnley
  •  United Kingdom - Fylde
  •  United Kingdom - Hyndburn
  •  United Kingdom - Pendle
  •  United Kingdom - Preston
  •  United Kingdom - Rossendale (Haslingden)
  •  United Kingdom - Warrington
  •  United Kingdom - Chorley



Queen's Lancashire Regiment Museum


The Queen's Lancashire Regiment Museum, at Fulwood Barracks in Preston, Lancashire, England, claims to be "the largest Regimental archive and the premier centre for Military historical research in the North West of England".

It chronicles the men of Lancashire who fought for their country during the wars. It also acts as an archive of battles fought by the Queen's Lancashire Regiment and its antecedent Regiments, the East Lancashire, South Lancashire, Loyal North Lancashire, and Lancashire (Prince of Wales's Volunteers) Regiments.


How to get there:
North east of town centre on B6245

It covers the history of the County’s three Infantry Regiments from the raising of Lord Castleton’s Regiment of Foot in 1689 through the several amalgamations that have resulted in the creation of the current Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment. Objects related to the County’s Militia, Rifle Volunteers, Territorial Army, Home Guard and Cadet Units are also on display. The collection, archive and library hold extensive historical material including uniform, badges, medals, weapons and equipment as well as photographs, film and sound, ceramics and fine and decorative art.

The Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment, The Queen’s Lancashire Regiment, The East Lancashire Regiment: 30th and 59th Foot, The South Lancashire Regiment (Prince of Wales’s Volunteers): 40th and 82nd Foot, The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire): 47th and 81st Foot, The Lancashire Regiment (Prince of Wales’s Volunteers)

Opening Hours:
Tue - Thu 9.30am - 4.30pm or by appointment. Sat 10am - 4pm

Queen's Lancashire Regiment Museum
Fulwood Barracks,
Watling Street Road,



The Queen's Lancashire Regiment

Active 1970 - 2006
Country  United Kingdom
Branch  Army
Type Line Infantry
Role 1st Battalion - Mechanised
4th Battalion - TA Reserve
Size One battalion
Part of King's Division
RHQ - Preston 
1st Battalion - Osnabrück, Germany
Motto Loyally I Serve
March Quick - L'Attaque/The Red Rose
Slow - Long Live Elizabeth
Anniversaries Waterloo (18th June)
Quebec (13th September)
Lieutenant-Colonel Richard Jeffries
Colonel in Chief HM Queen Elizabeth II
Colonel of
the Regiment
Brigadier G P Sheldon
Tactical Recognition Flash



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