Fishing tackle and equipment

Headbanger Shad 11cm Floating


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HeadbangerHeadbanger Lures was founded in 2015 with the purpose of creating awesome experiences and lasting memories for passionate predator anglers using rod, reel and lure. We do this by designing and offering innovative and unique lures that move like nothing else you've ever seen.

The Search for Something Different
For a long time, Swedish artist and passionate angler, Dan Lestander, was looking for a long-casting lure that also moved with a pattern that didn’t repeat itself like traditional lures did. After he realized that no such lure existed and the desire for it grew too strong, the only solution was to start experimenting on his own.

He started thinking about how he could create a lure that interacts with its element, water, in a way that would imitate a real wounded and stressed prey much more accurately than what had previously been achieved. He spent more than four years putting in a ton of effort into finding the key to making the lure behave in the way he had envisioned. Using his skills as a professional sculptor, he constructed over 50 different prototypes, handcrafted and handpainted, to test his theories.

The result of his discoveries was a revolutionary construction that made the lures behave in a way that he never could have dreamt about. Soon he found himself with a number of ideas of different lures that could be created with this, now patented, technical construction. These lures are what we are now creating and sharing with you.

Shad 11cm

La facilidad y versatilidad de animación de señuelo Headbanger Shad 11 cm produce la acción realista que imita los movimientos irregulares de pez pequeño asustado.
Shad 11cm es necesario para cada pescador de pesca de perca, lucio, lubina, trucha, lucioperca y salmón. Es una de estos señuelos para que se puede pescar cada depredador en spinning o trolling.
En la pestaña "Video-YouTube" puedes ver qué especímenes atrapa este señuelo y qué tan excepcionalmente funciona.
Los señuelos Headbanger Shad 11 cm están equipados con sonajeros de diferentes tamaños.
El señuelo no contiene el plomo, y la carga interior está hecha de acero inoxidable. Headbanger Shad 11 cm está equipado con anzuelo triple de alta calidad VMC 9655 BN.
Una cola de señuelo está montada al cuerpo y puede ser repuesto fácilmente girándolo en sentido antihorario. 

A simple straight retrieve of the Headbanger Shad 11 cm produces an action that mimics the erratic and evasive movement of a spooked smaller bait fish, and adding a pause or two makes it irresistible to any nearby predator. Available in three different buoyancies for different depths and styles of fishing, the 11 cm Shad is a must have for every angler fishing for perch, pike, bass, trout, zander and salmon.

The lure has a wire-through-body construction and is equipped with rattle balls of different sizes for a fuller sound. The lure is lead-free and the weights inside are made of stainless steel. The Headbanger Shad 11 cm is equipped with a premium #4 VMC 9655 BN hook. It is also an excellent trolling lure, with an unmatched action all the way from 1.4 up to 4 mph.

The tail is attached on a corkscrew and is easily replaced by twisting it counterclockwise.

Fishing depth:
Floating: 0-1.5 m
Suspending: 0.5-1.8 m
Sinking: 0.6-2.5 m        

Headbanger Shad 11cm Floating
Especie: Black Bass, Salmón, Lucioperca, Perca, Trucha, Lucio
Longitud: 11.00 cm
Peso: 10.00 g
Profundidad de buceo: 150 cm
Tipo: Floating