Fishing tackle and equipment

Savage Gear 3D Real Eel Bulk


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Savage Gear

Savage Gear - Under the PROLOGIC brand we now introduce SAVAGE GEAR - a brand developed for predator fishing targeting primarily pike, perch and zander, but in general all predator fish. The backbone of SAVAGE GEAR is a significant work of product development done by PROLOGIC product manager Mads Grosell. Local experts from central Europe as well as Scandinavia have during the recent period developed and tested the products and we can proudly say that this program is the most innovative set-up and worked through program which has entered the trade for several years.

3D Real Eel Bulk

Señuelo blando icónico Savage Gear 3D Real Eel con un sorprendente recubrimiento 3D con la estructura de una lamprea y la adición de un atractor. El señuelo flota con una función helicoidal de la cola durante la recuperación, así como durante la caída, o que no permite que los peces depredadores se contienen de atacar violentamente.l
• Detalles de reproducción en la base de escaneo 3D
• Señuelo blando perfecto para la pesca: de mano, vertical, trolling
• Una carga sin plomo incorporada con un sonajero de acero integrado
• Recubierto PHP con atractor adicional
• Anzuelo-J de alta calidad y anzuelo triple-Y desmontable

The iconic Real Eel lure, now in amazing 3D colors with Lamprey skin print and added strike triggering scent. The lure swims with a big lively curl tail kicking action – both on steady retrieve and the drop, tricking brutal attacks from predator fish.
• 3D Scanned details
• Superb for casting, vertical fishing and trolling
• Integrated non-lead harness with built-in steel rattle
• Strike triggering scented PHP colors
• Tournament J-hook and removable Y-treble

Savage Gear 3D Real Eel Bulk
Cantidad: 1 piezas
Longitud: 200 mm
Peso: 27.00 g