Up for auction "British General" Thomas-Brooke Peckell Hand Written Note Dated 1823. 


Brooke Pechell, whose father’s active army career considerably overshadowed his own ornamental one, was again returned for Downton by the 2nd earl of Radnor at the general election of 1820. He continued to support the Liverpool government, showing no trace of even the modest degree of independence which he had exhibited in the 1812 Parliament, but was clearly an indifferent attender.1 He voted in defence of ministers’ conduct towards Queen Caroline, 6 Feb., and against repeal of the additional malt duty, 3 Apr., reduction of the army estimates, 11 Apr., and omission of the arrears from the duke of Clarence’s grant, 18 June 1821. He divided against more extensive tax reductions to relieve distress, 11, 21 Feb., and repeal of the salt duties, 28 June, and was in the minority against referring the Calcutta bankers’ petition for the recovery of debts from the East India Company to a select committee, 4 July 1822. He voted against Hume’s sinking fund limitation proposals, 13 Mar. 1823, and Brougham’s motion condemning the trial of the Methodist missionary John Smith in Demerara, 11 June 1824. He was granted three weeks’ leave because of illness, 17 Feb. 1825, but was present to vote (as he had on 28 Feb. 1821 and 30 Apr. 1822) against Catholic relief, 21 Apr., 10 May 1825. Brooke Pechell, who is not known to have spoken in debate, died in mid-June 1826, shortly after retiring from the House at the dissolution. His title and estate, including personalty eventually sworn under £12,000, was inherited in turn by his surviving sons, both of whom were naval officers and Liberals: Samuel John Brooke Pechell (1785-1849), Member for Helston, 1830-1, and New Windsor, 1832-4, and George Richard Brooke Pechell (1789-1860), Member for Brighton from 1835 until his death.