Laser Lens Tips for Tattoo Removal Machine & 1320nm Carbon Peel Filter

532nm, 1064nm, and 1320nm filters are suitable for Q Switch Tattoo Removal Lasers and Nd: YAG Machines.

The 532nm wavelength is the most effective for red ink and other warm-toned colours, including violet, orange, yellow, and brown.

The 1064nm wavelength is ideal for removing black or dark tattoos as it is well absorbed by black ink. Since black is the most common ink colour used by tattoo artists, the 1064nm wavelength is widely used for tattoo removal.

The Nd: YAG wavelengths of 1064nm and 532nm allow for the treatment of a wide range of ink colours. In general, Nd: YAG lasers can effectively treat 90-95% of tattoos, as red and black are the most popular tattoo ink colours. Both Nd: YAG wavelengths are safe for all skin types and provide highly effective tattoo laser removal procedures.

Additionally, we offer a 1320nm skin rejuvenation Laser Lens, which is used in conjunction with the carbon laser paste (available for purchase separately). 

Please note that the lenses are the new shape, as shown in the gallery picture.

We sell all tattoo removal laser tips and filters, so please check out our Shop.

Skintastic Aesthetic Supplies is an internationally recognised company specialising in Laser Treatments, Training, and Supplies. With a strong establishment since 2011, we have proudly earned numerous International Laser Awards for our exceptional machinery and comprehensive training academy. We are dedicated to delivering top-quality services and products to our valued customers worldwide. Whether you are seeking cutting-edge laser treatments, professional training, or reliable supplies, Skintastic Aesthetic Supplies is here to meet your needs.