Fine original Gouache and Ink by Gale Pitts. This work falls right in line with the fantastic creations she makes for her very notable puzzles. Wonderful subject captured in this original watercolor. It is the Walter Purkis & Sons Market on 138 Hoe Street in Walthamstow. Active and vivid scenery and colorations. Fairly large painting. The Sheet size is 14" x 20" and it is framed and matted to a full size of 19" x 25". This historic English business with deep roots is noted as the "High Class Fishmonger and Poulterer". I do not know if she ever contemplated, or continued on to create one of her Jig Saw puzzle offerings from this piece. It certainly would fit the description. She hand noted the business and location on the bottom right hand corner prior to her signature. Nice find for any English merchant enthusiast or just as an admirer of the fine work produced by this noted artist.