Crystal Quarz- Orgonite Energy Charging Disc  ( Powerful)
With unique blu "glow in dark" Angel feature

Silica Iron,Copper, Bronze,Brass particles,Resin

Diameter 3.5 inch /9 cms   Depth 2cms       Weight   150 grams (appox)

* Energizes and improves the flavour of your drinking water wine and juices.
*Keeps fruit and veggies fresher for much longer ( 50 days in independent trials)
*Can help to neutralize the negative enviromental and 5G electro-smog pollution in your home

*Promotes  whole-brain hemispheric synchronization
*Enhances Mindfulness meditation and yoga pranayama/breathing exercises
*Promotes rapid healing  deep-relaxation and restful sleep!

* Increases and promotes faster and healthier plant growth
*Creates a vibrant and peaceful influence in your living and sleeping space

The Universal Heart meditation Palm-stones  may be the  most powerful Orgonites
I've created (With the exception of my Universal Labyrinth Charging plates)

  The prehistoric Holy men / Shamans/Priests  were masters of an ancient, but  forgotten  technology of Earth Energies using "Shape power,"an ancient technology we are just starting tor re-discover and utilize once again! 

These plates are  potent tools for healers using Massage/Reiki/Quantum touch or Breathwork and meditation/mindfulness relaxation practices

 Meditation holding the stone can promote  Alpha-wave to low Theta brainwave resonance
inducing a rapid experience of inner-peace and expanded awareness 

ANGEL-HEART Disk is a valuable tool to boost "Intention" and "Law of Attraction" practices

A  beautiful,dependable ally, to help initiate, and  accelerate our own unique  spiritual evolution

***Guidance on how you can use the  plates for Healing-Meditation-Manifestation  etc will be included