This is a great basket.  Strong and solid except the buckskin strings holding the tin cones are deteriorating and brittle.  Some have broken but all cones saved.   Used only for display (except for carrying the swag from our first Indian Market - Neta wouldn't let it out of her sight.   

A few years ago, the buckskin lace that it was hanging by broke and I replaced it with the cotton cord you see.  The buckskin can easily be replaced, as can the lace for the cones.   The cones are hand made - sampling, I see 'F o  l  g" on one.   

When we went back a couple of years later, we could not find any like this - just the small ones that hinted at these great pieces of art and skill and hard work.   This has been a prized part of our collection for nearly 5 decades.   Someone else's turn.