Rose Quartz

This beautiful, Rose Quartz stone is 43mm x 41mm x 22mm.

Rose Quartz is one of the most important healing stones. It stimulates and opens the heart chakra, clears the emotional body, and assists in the healing of emotional wounds. Rose Quartz is calming for the mind, assisting one in releasing worry, fear, anxiety and past emotional trauma. It can help one feel more open to receiving and sharing love, compassion and kindness.

Rose Quartz helps one to find self-love and build a healthy self-esteem.

Rose Quartz is the quintessential stone of love - love for oneself, one's life partner, children, family, friends, community, the Earth, the Universe and the Divine. Meditating with Rose Quartz provides an envelope of love energy around oneself and activates the heart chakra for the emanation of one's innate love.
Rose Quartz helps dissolve one's boundaries of isolation and mistrust and moves one into the sense of union with the All that is the essence at the core of the heart.
Healing the heart of its wounds and reawakening its trust is one of Rose Quartz's gifts. Its soothing vibrations are a balm to the emotions, and they calm and cleanse the entire auric field. It engenders the release of tension and stress, the dissolution of anger and resentment, the dispelling of fear and suspicion, and the rebirth of hope and faith in the benevolence of the Universe. Rose Quartz is clearly feminine in tone, and it is one of the stones of the Great Mother. It not only activates the human heart chakra - it also links one's personal heart to the heart of the Earth and the Heart of the Universe. Its love vibrations can penetrate down to the cellular level, reprogramming the cells for joy and longevity rather than despair and death. This reprogramming capacity is the source of the healing potential of Rose Quartz.
Rose Quartz is one of the most important stones to wear; to use in meditation, sleep and body layouts, and to keep in one's environment. Placing a Rose Quartz in each room of one's house can fill the entire structure with its gentle energies, keeping the energy of love in focus for all who live there. For one's meditation or sleeping room, a Rose Quartz in every corner is not overdoing it. At work, a Rose Quartz around one's neck or on the desk can keep one's interactions with others in the highest possible state of harmony.
Rose Quartz can stimulate the crown chakra, third eye and throat chakra, bringing them into harmony and unity with the heart. Even the lower chakras respond favourably to the abundance of love energy which flows from the heart under the influence of Rose Quartz.
This stone is ideal to give to anyone, even strangers.
As talismans of love, Rose Quartz stones can spread compassion and gentle understanding throughout the world. When one gifts a lover, friend or child with a Rose Quartz, there is an unspoken appreciation that reverberates through the Universe, as one more boundary is softened or dissolved.

Don't let the soft pink colour and soothing energy of this stone fool you into discounting its power.  Rose Quartz is one of the most important stones of our time. It stimulates and opens the heart chakra, clears the emotional body, and assists in the integration and resolution of old emotional programs.
Rose Quartz is one of the most powerful stones for the activation of the Human Crystal, precisely because of its heart-healing properties. As we evolve into a new paradigm, our energetic centre is moving from the hara point below the navel to the heart chakra. As this shift takes place, it is highly important to clear and strengthen this chakra. The heart centre is the strongest generator of Light energy in the body - even stronger than the brain. The energy of Rose Quartz helps the bud of the heart unfold into a thousand-petaled lotus of Light.
Meditation with rose Quartz can assist one in reaching resonance with the frequency of compassion, releasing emotional patterns that are keeping one stuck and embracing higher and finer frequencies of Light.
Rose Quartz can vibrationally support the energetic stabilization of the physical heart as it shifts to match the increasing frequency of the planet. It can aid those experiencing palpitations or skipped beats, irregular heart rhythm or emotional distress due to these energetic changes. It is a wonderful stone of protection for children, as its strong heart energy transforms negativity into compassionate understanding.
Rose Quartz is one of the most humble, yet most powerful of crystals. It turns the heart toward love and bathes body, mind and spirit in that healing and enlightening frequency. It carries the loving consciousness of the Christ and other heart-centered spiritual masters.
Rose Quartz is calming for the mind, assisting one in releasing worry, fear, anxiety and past emotional trauma. It clears the emotional body of ego-driven patterns and can help one feel more open to receiving and sharing Love, compassion and kindness.
Rose Quartz is a gentle stabilizing stone to use for physical heart trauma and imbalance. It can help the heart make the shift from stress-based physiology to the higher frequencies of Love-based physiology.

I am a Reiki Master/Teacher and Crystal Healer. I specialize in high frequency healing stones, and I guarantee that all my crystals are 100% genuine.

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Crystal and gemstone therapy is not meant to take the place of medical advice or treatment. Rather, it is a useful adjunct to medical or naturopathic care.