Quoddy Village, MAINE - Camp Lee Stephenson:: Camp Lee-Stephenson is located at Quoddy Village, Eastport, Maine. In 1943 the Navy took possession of Quoddy Village from the National Youth Administration. The camp was built in 1935 by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers to house workers for the world’s largest tidal dam project, the Passamaquoddy Dam. In 1944, at U. S. Naval Construction Training Center Camp Lee-Stephenson, over a thousand Seabees stood in formation during a ceremony for the new memorial to the base namesakes; Lt Irwin W. Lee and Lt. (jg) George W. Stephenson of the 24th Naval Construction Battalion. After World War II, Quoddy Village was a place where the Quoddy Village proposal, formerly known as the Quoddy Village Displaced Persons Project, was put into effect. It was a plan designed by New York entrepreneur Frank Cohen in 1947 to bring 25,000 Jewish DPs and their families from the American occupied zone of Germany to Eastport, Maine over a four year period. While in Eastport, the DPs would receive vocational training in a trade and manufacturing and educational classes as well. After a 6-9 month period in Eastport the families would be permanently resettled in South America, within the countries of Argentina, Brazil, or Uruguay. Once there, they would use the skills and vocational training they had gained In Eastport to build a new life. This Linen Era (1930-45) offers a panoramic view of Quoddy Village. Tichnor Quality Views. Boston, Mass. No. 74653.