Please choose the toy Papo figure(s) you would like from the Drop Down Menu.

If purchasing more than one figure please use the Add to Basket option to get combined postage.

The figures available to choose from are as follows:

African Penguin - 56017  Height: 6cm (60mm) Width: 4cm (40mm)
Albatross - 56038  Height: 2cm (20mm) Width: 14.5cm (150mm)
Beluga Whale - 56012  Height: 4cm (40mm) Length: 16cm (160mm)
Blacktip Reef Shark - 56034  Height: 4cm (40mm)  Length: 14cm (140mm)
Clownfish - 56023  Height: 4cm (40mm) Length: 6cm (60mm)
Common Dolphin - 56055  Height: 5cm (50mm)  Length: 12cm (120mm)
Cormorant - 56049  Height: 6cm (60mm)
Dolphin Playing - 56004  Height: 4cm (40mm) Length: 13cm (130mm)
Elephant Seal - 56032 Height: 8cm (80mm) Length: 11cm (110mm)
Emperor Penguin with Chick - 50033  Height: 8cm (80mm) Width: 4cm (40mm)
Hammerhead Shark - 56010  Height: 6cm (60mm) Length: 17cm (170mm)
Humpback Whale - 56001  Height: 13cm (130mm) Length: 29cm (290mm)
Killer Whale - 56000  Height: 10cm (100mm) Length: 19cm (190mm)
Leatherback Turtle - 56022  Height: 3cm (30mm) Length: 9cm (90mm)
Loggerhead Turtle - 56005  Height: 2cm (20mm) Length: 8cm (80mm)
Manta Ray - 56006  Height: 3cm (30mm) Length: 14cm (140mm)
Narwhal - 56016 Height: 4cm (40mm) Length: 21cm (210mm)
Pelican - 56009  Height: 9cm (90mm) Width: 8cm (80mm)
Puffin - 56007   Height: 7cm (70cm)  Width 3cm (30mm)
Octopus - 56013  Height: 7cm (70mm) Length: 20cm (200mm)
Seal - 56029  Height: 3.5cm (35mm) Length: 10cm (100mm)
Seal Cub - 56028  Height: 2cm (20mm) Length: 8cm (80mm)
Sea Lion - 56025  Height: 6cm (60mm) Length: 10cm (100mm)
Starfish - 56050   Height: 1cm (10cm)   Length: 7cm (70mm)
Swordfish - 56048  Height: 3.5cm (35mm) Length: 12cm (120mm)
Walrus - 56030  Height: 8cm (80mm) Length: 14cm (140mm)
Sperm Whale Calf - 56045  Height: 4cm (40mm)  Length: 14cm (140mm)
Whale Calf - 56035  Height: 4cm (40mm)  Length: 14cm (140mm)
White Shark - 56002  Height: 12cm (120mm) Length: 18cm (180mm)

Papo toy figures are made from hard plastic and are handpainted, they come with original Papo Tags.

Supplied loose in resealable sachet.

The manufacturers recommended age is 3 years and over.