100% PURE ARONIA BERRY (CHOKEBERRY) JUICE CONCENTRATE- No added sugars, preservatives, fillers, liquids or juices.
PACKED WITH ANTIOXIDANTS - Studies show Aronia Berries (Chokeberry) contain higher levels of antioxidants, polyphenols and anthocyanins than Cranberries, Blueberries, Grapes and almost all other fruits!
QUALITY YOU CAN TRUST - Family Owned and Operated Since 1945, Brownwood Acres/FruitFast submits each batch of juice for Laboratory Analysis to assure turbidity, acid levels, PH and more.
EASY TO USE - Just add a half ounce of concentrate to your favorite seltzer, tea, cocktail or yogurt! Want to spice up a salad or add to food? Aronia is a great addition to many recipes.