What it is:

DNA molecules are central to the body’s most core functions. As we age, our bodies can struggle to effectively produce and replicate DNA. Our diets, stress, toxins, and free radicals can cause serious harm to our cells. Telomeres—the tips of our DNA strands that protect genetic information—shorten and affect the cell’s ability to replicate well.

Fortunately, you can help your body restore this vital aspect of your well being with ProBLEN Telomere/DNA Homeopathic spray. This natural booster is a safe way to aid in the replication of DNA, protect your telomeres and restore the health of your cells.

By supporting your cells you’re giving all of your internal systems a boost. When you protect your telomeres, you’re also protecting the vital genetic data stored inside your DNA. This important information allows your body to facilitate biological growth and cell repair, fight infection and disease, and aid the normal function of organs like the heart, gut, and brain.

Use all natural ProBLEN Telomere/DNA booster and improve your cellular health. This formula also includes Omega 3, CA-98, and a full range of vitamins—including B complex, Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, and Vitamin E to help you live young and age well, with no side effects.