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Project Baits' new Hig Line is what was missing! Not because our lower-priced lures caught little ... but we decided to develop a line of top-notch lures that are unique on the market. To create the best artisanal boilies on the market, Project Baits absolutely had to use something new in the world of carp baits. In fact, in this new line you will find 3 different lures, highly selected and studied in detail, totally handcrafted and full of the best and most sought-after carp ingredients in circulation. Some of these ingredients are decidedly innovative and unprecedented, as they have never been used so far in a boilies. Fishing with High Line you will have the certainty of using the best possible and a different bait from the others in every possible water. 

Ghost Shell

We have called this bait "ghost shell" ... because in reality, even not being alive like a mollusk, it faithfully replicates every feature, even exceeding by far the attraction of live shells, of which carp are greedy ...

The strong smell of freshly shelled molluscs, with a fruity aftertaste of Peach, is only what transpires on the nose, but it is the tasty and fragrant body typical of marine crustaceans, which is irresistible for any large carp. In reality this bait is a protein concentrate deriving precisely from the hydrolyzed flours of crustaceans and freshly shelled shells. The precious mix of the "Ghost Shell" is linked by 100% fresh eggs and crushed shells, has a shrimp red color, and among the various ingredients it contains whole and ground chrysalis, caster maggot flour, biscò, clam oil, Robin Original Red Haits, cod liver oil, plasma powder, animal fat, omega 3, hemoglobin, sweet pepper flour, a high percentage of hydrolyzed and predigested products - colored pastoncini - whole and ground micro pellets, salt, garlic, pepper, a few spicy spices, oyster flour with shells, fishmeal complet.

Stark Spice

When we thought of a spiced lure to be included in the "High Line" category, we obviously set ourselves the goal of creating a boilies that would exceed the yield of our historic and ultra-catching "Spice Predigested", the company was really very arduous… because the predigested spice is certainly a fabulous lure, which continues to collect repeated successes…. but at the end of the various experiments and tests we succeeded ... we used a mix with 40% of predigested fish flours, animal fat, molluscs and meat flours, primarily squid and oyster, various types of hydrolysates, salt, sweet pepper, sweet spice flours, omega 3, Robin Red original Haits, fishmeal complet, birdfood and seeds, hemoglobin, plasma powder, pastoncini and many noble ingredients, including chrysalis and caster maggot flour ... the result is a unforgiving spicy bait, the field tests were incredible and even above expectations, and even in the middle of winter it seemed the most captivating bait ever ... the color is red with green food in evidence ... try it, and let us know if you find a more captivating lure .. !!!!

Demon Fish

And here is the latest creation from the bizarre and ingenious mind of Project Baits .. !!

Smell that could frighten even the most experienced and demanding carp angler .. !!! More than a boilies it is a real clockwork BOMB, designed to induce a fatal attraction, and an incredible food addiction towards the gigantic specimens of lakes and rivers .. !!!! Yes, it may seem absurd that it attracts the most large specimens, but we know how much a "fish and meatmeal" and more "smelly" lure as possible, has an edge in the hunt for "Buldozer" .. !!! This bait is composed of: 100% eggs and egg shells - very high percentage of strong hydrolysates, predigested fish and liver flours and a specific and very strong meat meal (beef red meat meal), animal fat, liver hydrolyzate pure, an essential oil with first cetagoria fennel, mixed fishmeal and predigested fishmeal, sweet pepper flour, - whole and ground dead maggots (caster) - whole and chopped oyster shells, hemoglobin, omega 3, plasma powder, kelp , spirulina, green pastoncino, whole and chopped bird food, asafetida, garlic, butyric acid, micronized pepper, whole and ground dried silkworm, salt, and a good percentage of powdered wild fennel (food). The carp that will eat it will remain totally addicted to this boilies, but if you think of tasting it, don't do it .. !!!!

Technical specifications

1 kg pack in a freshness-saving bag

Diameter 20 mm

DSM brand products

DSM Store offers a wide selection of own brand products, produced on specific directives and with exceptional prices!

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Smell that could frighten even the most experienced and demanding carp angler .. !!! More than a boilies it is a real clockwork BOMB, designed to induce a fatal attraction, and an incredible food addiction towards the gigantic specimens of lakes and rivers .. !!!! Yes, it may seem absurd that it attracts the most large specimens, but we know how much a "fish and meatmeal" and more "smelly" lure as possible, has an edge in the hunt for "Buldozer" .. !!! This bait is composed of: 100% eggs and egg shells - very high percentage of strong hydrolysates, predigested fish and liver flours and a specific and very strong meat meal (beef red meat meal), animal fat, liver hydrolyzate pure, an essential oil with first cetagoria fennel, mixed fishmeal and predigested fishmeal, sweet pepper flour, - who