3-4 ft; Tall mixture, casual double flowers, a classic for fieldgrown cutflower.

These are some of the most popular annual flowers on earth. The marigold group called "Crackerjack Mix" has decorated millions of gardens for decades. These are the big ones--bright ball-shaped flowers in yellow and orange or sturdy plants 2-3 ft. tall. The flowers are chrysanthemum-like with a mass of bright colored petals. And best of all, they keep blooming all summer long. Add these to your meadow, and the color will never stop.

Color:Orange, gold, yellow, primrose

Plant Type:Annual


Fill Weight (grams):0.4

Grows Best In:Full Sun

Days to Germination:5-8 Days

Days To Bloom:45-60 Days

Planting Depth:.25"

Seed Spacing:12"

Growing Height:2-3'

Instructions: After all danger of frost, sow in open ground well exposed. Cover with 1/4 inch of soil. For earlier bloom, start indoors in flats, about 6-8 weeks before last frost. Cover with 1/4 inch of soil. When plants are 2 inches high, thin or transplant. Before transplanting, harden off the seedling.