Title: Flight (der Flug) by Garfield Morgan (*1978) - Original painting
                                     Year: 2009       
                                     Media:  Acrylic, mixed media on canvas
                                     Size:    90,5 x 60 cm, framed
                                   Signature: bottom left  

Private Sale.

Gerahmtes Original Gemaelde von Garfield Morgan, 2009
Acryl, Mischtechnik auf Leinwand
Format: 90,5 x 60 cm
signiert unten rechts, auf der Rueckseite bezeichnet, datiert.
Privatverkauf. Sie koennen dieses Gemaelde in Stuttgart vorab anschauen.
Seine Kunstwerke wurden mehrfach in Stuttgart (Gruppenausstellungen) ausgestellt.

Garfield Morgan is a professional fine artist who started his art career as a Graphic Designer after graduating from the Edna Manley College of the Visual Arts in Kingston, Jamaica.

Garfield L. Morgan (*1978) has a Master of Fine Arts in Painting from Stephen F. Austin State University (SFASU) in Nacogdoches, Texas USA. After completing his studies in 2007, he was awarded a Post Graduate Teaching Fellowship in the School of Art at SFASU.

Morgan returned to Jamaica in 2008 and taught at the Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts in the School of Visual Arts. He has since dedicated himself to his art full time and does private workshops in Expressive Drawing and Life Drawing.

In 2010 Garfield’s painting “Consumer Bird”, was one of five works by Jamaican artists selected to represent Jamaica at the Beijing Biennale in China.

Garfield Morgan is a Jamaican artist who now lives and works in Montreal. He is best known for The Tarp Project - 'a socially engaged series of works using tarpaulin from the Jamaican marketplace'. Interviewed by Jacqueline Bishop for ARC Magazine, Garfield noted, 'art for me is far more engaging and challenging when the so-called, "everyday" or "non-traditional" materials are incorporated in the process.'

His "re-use" of discarded materials and objects, and his recycling efforts are attempts to, "tread lightly", by lessening his carbon footprint on the planet. The elevation of the, "throw-away" or "discard" to art status, is a metaphor for the marginalized, oppressed peoples and cultures that he resurrects from destruction and near invisibility to re-engage now. Garfield’s acrylic paintings, mixed media collages, installations and reconstructions are an ongoing cycle of reflection on man, his engagement with his fellow human beings and his relationship with the environment.

Artist statements

<<My work is partly about how I investigate traditional and non-traditional materials associated with drawing and painting. I explore new meanings by creating visually stimulating, dynamic, emotive images. I use an expressive, spontaneous, intuitive approach, where I harbor no pre-conceived notion of what the work should look like, thereby allowing it to take on a life of its own.>>

The visible results that I achieve are a direct extension of my “self” and all my psychological pre-occupations. The often mundane and alternative objects I use is an invitation to the viewer to journey into a world of ideas that get us thinking, discovering and seeing new meanings which lie beneath the veneer of everyday life. In transforming my artist materials I aim to transform the viewer. His/Her sight becomes new insight…

“My work is about transformation. It is partly about how I investigate traditional and non-traditional materials associated with drawing and painting. Thematically, I am concerned with how globalization and post-modernity have opened up new and constantly shifting ideas and perceptions of the body.

The often mundane and alternative objects I use are an invitation to the viewer to journey into a world of ideas that get us thinking and discovering new meanings which lie beneath the veneer of everyday life. In transforming my artist materials I aim to transform the viewer. His/Her sight becomes new insight.”

My art is an invitation to the viewer to journey into a world of ideas that get us thinking, discovering and seeing new meanings which lie beneath the veneer of everyday life. Thematically, I am concerned with how globalization and post-modernity have opened up new and constantly shifting ideas and perceptions of the body. In transforming my artist materials I aim to transform the viewer. His/Her sight becomes new insight..."

Solo Exhibitions

2016 - “The Persistence of Memory”, Philip Sherlock Centre, UWI (Mona) Kingston, Jamaica

2016 - “The Unravelling”, Kingston Jamaica

2015 - “The Tarp Project”, New Local Space (NLS) Kingston, Jamaica

2014 - “Outside the Box”, Olympia Gallery, Kingston, Jamaica

2013 - “Re-Connections”, Redbones Gallery, Kingston, Jamaica

2013 - “Memories, Dreams, Reflections”, UTECH Centre for the Arts, Kingston, Jamaica

2013 - “Bodies in Evidence”, Olympia Gallery, Kingston, Jamaica


Selected Group Exhibitions

2019 - “Situate”, Members’ Show, Articule, Montreal QC

2018 - “Christmas in October”, Olympia Gallery, Kingston, Jamaica

2017 - “Perspectives”, Milreu, Portugal

2017 - “Pollinators”, Nacogdoches, Texas USA

2015 - “Beyond Borders”, Seinäjoen Kaupunki, Finland

2015 - “The Tarp Project”, NLS, Kingston, Jamaica

2013 - “Festival Mundial das Artes”, Pela Paz, Brazil

2012 - “A Bricolage of Identities”, Olympia Gallery, Kingston, Jamaica

2012 - “Celebrating Jamaica’s 50th year of Independence”, Commerzbank, Berlin, Germany 

2011 -  ARCO Gallery, Germany

2011 - “Under Fifties Exhibition”, Olympia Gallery, Kingston, Jamaica

2010 - “Environmental Concern and Human Existence”

            Beijing International Art Biennale (BIAB), Beijing, China

2010 - “Kingston on the Edge” (KOTE) Grosvenor Gallery, Kingston, Jamaica

2010 - “Tea Glorious Tea, Revolution Gallery, Kingston, Jamaica

2009 - “Regeneration”, Studio 174, Kingston, Jamaica

2009 - “Annual Faculty Show”, EMCVPA, Kingston, Jamaica

2007 - “Annual Faculty Show”, SFASU Nacogdoches, Texas, USA


Publications and Media

ARC Magazine feature, “Garfield Morgan discusses an intuitive approach to art-making.”

ARC (Art Recognition Culture) Contemporary Caribbean Art and Culture, November 2016


Health, Home and Garden, Jamaican Magazine feature, “Garfield Morgan - A Journey into the realm of Expressive Fine Art.”

Youtube clip on The Tarp Project https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuE12Jbsu-k

Youtube clip on The Persistence of Memory https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waDp3iDUXmo

