Doctor Who Battles in Time Common Cards. All Cards in an excellent condition.


Enter how many sets of eight cards required in the ‘quantity’ box at top of listing: Qty 1=8cards, Qty 2=16 cards etc, etc. 

At the checkout, include a message listing the numbers of the cards required from selection below. I can also confirm availability prior to purchase if you prefer to message me first. If you happy for just a random selection of 8 different common cards no need to message required card numbers. 

P&P discount on each additional set of eight selected - ONLY 25p p&p for each additional set of 8 (UK). Please check listing for Europe pricing. Any other areas please contact me regarding p&p costs.

List will be updated regularly. Any questions please let me know.

002 Empty Child 106 Mr Parsons 187 Clockwork Man
003 Robot Spider 107 Sycorax Leader 188 The Hoix
004 Coffa 108 Warrior Monk 189 Bridget Sinclair
005 Chained Dalek 109 Hop Pyleen Brother 2 191 Dalek Emperor Mutant
008 Adam Mitchell 110 Kenny 192 Dinner Lady
009 Gwyneth 112 Flora 193 DI Bishop
012 Mickey Smith 115 Robot Eye 195 Queen Victoria
013 Anne Droid 116 Lady Isobel MacLeish 196 Reaper Group
014 Henry Van Statten 117 Pilot Fish 2 198 Ill Doctor
015 Jackie Tyler 120 Novice Hame 200 White Patient
019 Nurse Zombie 127 Reinette 201 Pilot Fish 3
020 Harriot Jones MP 129 Mr Redpath Zombie 202 Slitheen Group 
022 Scholar 130 Clockwork Man 206 Scholar 3
023 Dr Constantine 131 Scottish Steward 207 Exterminate
025 Oliver Charles 132 Mr Wagner 209 Dalek Invasion
029 Surgeon 1 133 President 210 Musical Weapon
031 Child Auton 134 Alex 211 Sycorax Whip
032 Pete Tyler 136 Dalek 212 Possessed Drawing
033 Pig Pilot 137 Major Blake 213 Info-Spiked Cathica
034 Simmons 138 Clockwork Woman 2 214 John Lumic
036 Platform One Staff 140 The Beast 215 Scholar 4
041 Auton Mickey 142 Mrs Moore 216 Dalek Thay
044 Mr Sneed 143 The Wire 217 Slitheen Ship
045 General Asquith 144 Broken K-9 218 Koh-I-Noor Diamond
046 Programmer 145 Mr Sneed 223 Possessed Ood 3
047 Reaper 146 Cal's Companion 224 Cyberman in Pain
048 Raffalo 147 Headmaster Finch 229 Slitheen 1
050 Spider Group 150 Sir Robert 230 Torchwood Scientist 1
052 Damaged Dalek 151 Dr Constantine 231 Chip
053 Jagrafess 155 Eddie Connolly 232 Danny Bartock
054 Surgeon 2 157 Scooti Manista 235 Ood
055 Suki Macrae Cantrell 159 Ricky Smith 237 Dr Rajesh Singh
059 Nestene Consciousness 161 Zu-Zana 239 Cassandra as Chip
060Moxx of Balhoon 162 Cybus Victim 241 Jefferson
063 Lute 163 Tommy Connolly 242 Adeola
064 Male Auton 165 Mr Crane 243 Slitheen 2
077 Security Scan 167 Krillitane 3 248 Sycorax Ship
082 Satellite 5 170 Possessed Ood 1 249 Basic:0
088 Milo 171 Sister Jatt 250 Torchwood I.D.
089 Pilot Fish Group 172 Sycorax Group 257 Torchwood Scientist 2
092 King Louis XV 174 Zachary Cross Flane 258 The Wire
093 Sycorax Warrier 175 Frozen Suki 260 The Beast
096 Harriet Jones PM 176 Info Spiked Adam 261 SS Madame De Pompadour
097 Werewolf 179 Cure All 266 Body Swap
098 Hop Pyleen Brother 1 183 Slitheen Egg 270 Full Moon
104 Scholar 2 185 Possessed Ood 2 273 Sucker Attack
105 Clockwork Woman 1 186 Yvonne Hartman
277 Graske Group 307 Jake Simmonds 348 Pilot Fish
278 Clockwork Woman 3 308 Rita Connolly 349 Destroyed Dalek
279 Frozen Cyber Army  309 Cat Nurse Group 350 The Doctor
281 Gas Mask,  311 Black Hole 351 Energy Source
282 Magna Clamp  315 Hand Print Activation 355 Double Extermination
285 Mark of the Beast  316 Parallel Soldier 358 Cassandra
288 Cyber Army  325 Fire Extinguisher 360 Ursula Blake
289 Rose Tyler 329 Sycorax Army 362 Tractor Beam
290 Genesis Ark Daleks 330 Bliss 364 Energy Ball
294 Rocket Ship 333 Cave Painting 365 Biodamper
297 Diseased Group 334 Danger of Infection 366 Racnoss Empress
298 Clive Finch 336 Auton 367 Dalek
302 Prison of the Beast 340 Rose Tyler 368 Gelth Zombie Attack
303 Cyber Brain 341 Disease Pod 370 Slitheen
305 Gelth Possession 343 Ood Possession 373 Tardis Crash
306 Legion of the Beast 344 Telescope 374 Cyberman Defeater
347 Jabe
377 Carrionite 1 434 Dalek Embryo 503 Master Statue
378 Morgenstern 436 Fob Watch 505 New York Car
380 Professor Lazarus 439 Carrionite Puppet 506 Genetic Transfer
383 Face of Boe 440 Teleport 508 Vortex Manipulator
385 Businessman 443 Dev Ashton 513 Plasmavore
387 Sally Sparrow 444 Tallulah 514 Human Dalek Army
388 Professor Yana 445 Judoon Trooper 2 518 Leo Jones
391 Weeping Angel 1 446 Dolly Bailey 521 William Shakespeare
393 Toclafane 447 Pig Slave 2 525 Mr Phillips
394 Refugee 1 448 Tenth Doctor 528 Scarecrow 3
396 Solomon 449 Farmer Clark 529 Tanya
397 Mother Bloodtide 450 Macra 2 534 Pig Slave 3
398 Pharmacist 2 451 Lady Thaw 537 Queen Elizabeth 1
400 Fracine Jones 454 Pale Woman 538 Judoon Trooper 3
401 Jeremy Baines 457 Scarecrow 1 539 Laszlo
402 Judoon Trooper 1 460 Judoon 542 Creet
403 Martha Jones 461 Foreman 548 Sleep Patch
404 Carrionite 2 464 Professor Lazarus 549 Judoon Scanner
407 Weeing Angel 2 468 Wallpaper Warning 552 Chipped Tardis Key
408 Face of Boe 470 Mutant Attack 553 Carrionite Flight
410 Time Lord 1 471 Judoon Ship 560 Chantho
412 Sally Calypso 475 Door Hacker 561 Time Lord 2
413 Lilith 479 Human Dalek 2 564 Untempered Schism
415 Joan Redfern 483 Watch Attack 570 Bedlam Jailer
418 Malcolm Wainwright 487 Life Force Drain 579 Futurekind 2
419 William Shakespeare 490 Magnetic Overload 580 Lynley
424 Toclafane 493 Father of Mine 584 Sinister Woman
426 Milo 495 Slab 585 Macra 3
428 Professor Lazarus 497 Richard Burbage 587 Cricket Ball
429 Kathy Nightingale 498 Human Dalek 3 594 Crystal Ball
432 Traffic Jam 500 Scarecrow Group 598 Ben Wainwright
599 Martha Jones
603 God of Ragnarok 684 Rutan 757 The Lukoser
616 Autons 685 Ogron 762 Davros and Daleks
618 D84 687 Husk 2 767 Daleks
621 Eldrad 688 Sil 768 Melkur
622 Exxilon Group 691 Cult of Skaro 773 Giant Brain
623 Axon Man 693 Foamasi Group 775 Sonic Booster
624 Uxarieus Guardian 694 Cyberman Guard 778 Rogue Cyberman
629 Dalek Mutant 697 Mestor 779 Carrionite
630 Bellal 700 Scaroth's Ship 784 Terilaptil Android
631 Husk 1 701 Coronic Acid Attack 785 Tetraps Sleeping
632 Draconian Group 705 Dalek Gas Attack 788 Wolfweeds
633 Empty Child 707 Laserson Probe 790 Tractator Group
639 Racnoss Empress 717 Pirate Captain 791 Dalek Shuttlecraft
650 Foamasi 719 Werewolf 792 Nimon Capsule
651 Cyber Leader 720 Vervoid 793 Sutekh's Gift of Death
652 Cessair of Diplos 721 Morbius 794 Sontaran Translator Unit
653 Scarecow Army 724 War Machine 795 Cyber Bomb
654 Cheetah Person 725 Weeping Angel Group 796 Nestene Energy Unit
655 Linx 726 Distillation Chamber 797 Cyberscope
660 Axon Eye 728 Osiran War Missile 799 Space Freighter
663 The Master 732 Scaroth 801 The Gravis
664 Omega 734 V3 Attacking 806 Vorus
667 Terileptil 737 Priest of Uxarieus 807 Father of Mine
668 Drashig 738 Haemovore 2 808 Marshman Group
669 Mutt 739 Giant Maggot Group 811 Magnus Greel
670 Mummy 740 Mechanoid 812 Omega's Creature
671 Sycorax Leader 742 Ogri 813 Mummy Group
672 Vervoid 745 Haemovre Group 817 Soliton Gas Machine
674 Izlyr 746 Marshman 818 SV7
678 Max Capricorn 747 Omega 819 Primord
680 Marcus Scarman 748 Eldrad 822 Mutt Group
681 Axon Monster 749 Cryon 823 Lord Kiv
682 Linx 756 Sontaran Group 824 The Borad
683 Lazarus Creature
828 High Priestess 917 Swagger Stick 996 Atmospheric Converter
833 Matron Cofelia 931 Albino Servant 998 Max Capricorn
834 Major Domo 933 Sontaran 1 1000 Davros and Dalek
838 Footman 935 Rabid Ood 1002 Donna Noble
857 Messaline Soldier 1 941 Ood Sales Rep 1003 Lucius Dextrus
859 Professor Hobbes 943 Kess 1004 Suzette
861 Halo Weapon 944 Martha Jones 1006 Rickston Slade
868 Sontaran War Room 948 Enslaved Ood 1 1015 Adipose Pills
869 Subwave Network 951 Mount Vesuvius 1019 Sontaran Pod
871 Giant Ood Brain 954 Security Camera 1022 Metella
877 Rabid Ood 958 Dalex Crucible 1025 Kess
879 Ross Jenkins 961 Foon Van Hoff 1036 Claude
880 Carter 964 Students 1038 Proper Dave
882 Lady Eddison 970 Cline 1039 Pyroville 3
884 General Sanchez 977 War Console 1042 Tenth Doctor
885 red-eye Ood 2 979 Donna Noble 1043 Claire
893 Halpen's Communicator 981 Other Dave 1047 Doctor Moon
895 Sonic Boom 986 Enslaved Ood 2 1063 Robina Redmond
898 Atmos GPS 987 Penny Carter 1066 Peck
901 Astrid Peth 989 Reverend Golightly 1072 Driver Joe
911 Adipose Ship 991 Heavenly Host