Nosferatu Halloween Special (1922) CKMT Creepy Koffee Movie Time season 4 episode 53

The first vampire movie based on Mary Shelley’s Dracula. Added soundtrack, voiceovers and sound effects.

Watch a complete episode of CKMT including feature length movie and all the shenanigans the Crew get up to!

Hosted by Balrok the Demon and No Name! With: John Stanley, Strephon Taylor, Joe Castro, Greg Asdourian, The Holdup, Asian Diva Girls, Jeff Seeman, Mistress Minax, Scott Weitze, Hubba Hubba Review, Annie Cruz.

108 minutes - Rated MA

This title is provided on professionally produced and packaged DVD-R media. Due to the rarity and special-interest nature of this film, a commercially-pressed DVD would not be financially feasible.