This cleaning card design incorporates a special magnetic code to allow the acceptance of this cleaning card into a variety of different models of Bill Acceptor. The acceptance rate of this card is 98% of models used in North America; eliminate the guess work of which card to use on the bill acceptor you wish to clean. Once the cleaning card enters the bill acceptor, the Waffletechnology® design allows the cleaning card to reach the optical lenses and other critical components. Use this product once per week to maintain a high acceptance rate for currency.


This card works in 98% of the models used in North America. Use this Card Reader Cleaning Card to clean vending machines, slot machines, change machines and pay at pump machines.

Specifically this card can be used in: Pyramid, Coinco (except model BA30B), JCM UBS, WBS DBV Models MEI Sodeco, MEI Cash Flow, MEI ZT Series 1000, MEI Series 3000, Ardac, Rowe, Dixie Narco, Inc. NBM-3000 Series Bill Validator.

When to Clean

How to Clean

Why Clean?

Money is exceptionally dirty and can cause device misreads, bill slippage, loss of revenue, operational failure and extreme customer frustration at self check out if not cleaned properly. Scheduled maintenance of device improves the life of the device and reduces service expenses