Caffeine and Phenylethylamine 500mg Vegan Capsules 

300 X Capsules 

50/50 Mix Ratio

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  • Stimulates the release of dopamine & norepinephrine 
  • Promotes positive mood & well-being 
  • Curbs appetite & supports weight loss 
  • Aides with Weight Loss  


Anxiety & Depression - Dopamine - ADHD - Improved mood - Increased motivation - Weight Loss

PEA activates TAAR1 and TAAR2 receptors which in turn prevents the uptake and boosts the release of the ‘feel-good’ neurotransmitter’s serotonin and dopamine.


Monoamine oxidase inhibits the catecholamines like dopamine and norepinephrine. Decreases in dopamine levels are implicated in diseases like Parkinson’s. PEA helps boost dopamine and norepinephrine levels. Reducing the symptoms of neurodegenerative diseases.

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD). PEA prevents the reuptake of dopamine and norepinephrine and inhibits their transport. Like the mechanism of action provided by ADHD stimulant meds. Some have found supplementing with PEA as a nootropic has decreased the symptoms 

Phenylethylamine HCL (PEA) and its potential effects on ADHD and dopamine levels have gained some attention, although more research is needed to fully understand its impact on these conditions. Here's how it might be related to ADHD and dopamine:

ADHD management: Some researchers have suggested that PEA may have a potential role in managing ADHD symptoms, primarily due to its effects on dopamine levels. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter associated with reward-motivated behaviour and attention. By increasing dopamine levels, PEA might help improve attention and focus, which are commonly affected in individuals with ADHD.

Dopamine regulation: PEA is believed to enhance the release of dopamine in the brain, which may contribute to improved mood, increased motivation, and heightened focus. As dopamine plays a crucial role in cognitive processes, mood regulation, and motivation, PEA's ability to modulate dopamine levels may have implications for individuals with ADHD.

Phenylethylamine HCL (PEA) is a naturally occurring compound that acts as a neuromodulator or neurotransmitter in the brain. It is also found in certain foods, such as chocolate, and is known for its potential mood-boosting effects. While research on the specific health benefits of PEA is limited, it has been associated with several potential benefits, although more research is needed to fully understand its effects. Some potential health benefits of Phenylethylamine HCL include:

Mood : PEA is believed to stimulate the release of certain neurotransmitters, such as dopamine and serotonin, which are associated with mood regulation. This can potentially lead to improved mood and a sense of well-being.

How do Caffeine Works? 

* In our brain there is a substance called 'adenosine' which will only work with specific adenosine receptors. Adenosine is responsible for the energy in our body. It connects to phosphates in order to become 'adenosine troposphere' or 'ATP'. ATP is the 'energy currency of all life, and it is by breaking the bond between adenosine and its phosphates that our body releases usable energy. 

* When our adenosine bonds to the adenosine receptors in our brain then, that means there is none free in the brain and means that we have no energy from our brain and we therefore get tired. 

* What caffeine does then is to bond with the adenosine receptors instead and this then means that they cannot take up the adenosine in the brain leaving more free energy in the brain and preventing us from getting drowsy. 

* At the same time caffeine has another effect in that this action causes the pituitary gland to think there is an emergency and to therefore produce more adrenaline from the adrenal glands. Adrenaline is the hormone that is produced by our bodies as a result to threats and stressors. For example, if you saw a lion in the wild – you would start producing more adrenaline. Likewise, today if your boss starts shouting at you that results in more adrenaline being produced. This is called the fight or flight response and it means our metabolism speeds up which enables us to run faster and pump blood around the body faster. This gives us a spike in energy and performance then to deal with immediate problems, but also results in our body using up a lot of energy as it runs on overdrive and eventually crashing out. 

* At the same time the pituitary glands also release dopamine. This is another chemical that has a lot of what we consider to be positive effects on the brain and the body. Dopamine is essential to the way that the brain regulates our movements. Without it we can't move at all, but with excessive amounts we will find that we twitch a lot and bob around. Restless leg syndrome and constant fidgeting can be considered signs of having too much dopamine in our body. This is why we get twitchy after drinking large amounts of caffeine. Too much of it will also cause the heart to fluctuate which can be dangerous if you have a weak heart or you have it in large excesses. 

* Dopamine is also a neurotransmitter meaning that it is crucial for transferring information across synapses in the brain so that various brain areas can communicate with one another. This is highly important for memory, problem solving and motivation, and is why we can use caffeine when we are studying. 

Finally, dopamine is also used in making us feel reward and is one of our brain's 'feel good chemicals' that it uses to motivate us. Dopamine is released naturally as a reward for eating food and having sex and without dopamine we feel a lack of motivation and enjoyment – while high amounts of dopamine can leave us feeling highly optimistic and motivated and give us more enjoyment out of life. This is one reason that caffeine is also highly addictive.