Since the beginning of time, coupled with the beneficial invention of fire, incense has played a significant role for humanity. Homo Sapiens discovered that an abundance of materials had the potential to release an odor when burnt, some of which were found to be very pleasing to the sense of smell. These aromatic scents often accentuate the senses and have been found to change the mood and state of mind.

Some experts believe that the burning of items such as cedar, berries, roots, and resins gave us our first true incense. Incense relics that are thousands of years old have actually been found all over the world. So, it is pretty safe to say that incense has been a part of many different cultures for a very long time. It is because of this information that the exact origin of incense cannot be traced.

The basics of incense are really quite simple. It is a combination of aromatic elements and a heat source. Incense has always had ties to the religious, spiritual and medicinal aspects of various cultures, and that continues today.

In addition to an A4 history of Incense f
or a bargain price of 99p, we are delighted to offer you a range of 1 to 24 Packs of the world famous (some people may say the best in the world) Satya Sai Baba Nag Champa. For many people, when they think of incense, this is what comes to mind. We have focused on the most popular scents for you, which include;


Lavender flora incense offers a comforting blend of herbs, which induce its soothing qualities.

Mood / Inspiration: A steaming cup of tea in bed

Description: Soothing

Key Notes: Warm, Herbal

Use: Let the freshness of the Lavender flora incense soothe you and take you into a pleasant world, where there are no worries that are weighing you down.


The distinctive aroma of Sandalwood has been treasured across cultures for its sanctity.

Mood / Inspiration: The peaceful environment at a monastery.

Description: Sacred

Key Notes: Sublime, Woody

Use: The healing aroma of Sandalwood flora incense can be used to promote feelings of serenity and to ease irritability and aggression. This incense also acts as an aid to meditation and deep relaxation. 


Meditation flora incense acts as a prayer to be one with the universe.

Mood / Inspiration: The punctuating rhythm of prayer bells afar 

Description: Tranquil

Key Notes: Alert, Undisturbed

Use:  Meditation incense blend aids in building mental strength, clarity and life force energy, as also in achieving deep states of relaxation, patience and compassion. 

SATYA NAG CHAMPA            

This blend happens to be the world’s most commercially successful incense blend. It is the first secret recipe formulated by the founding family of Shrinivas Sugandhalaya and has stood the test of time as the most loved flora incense worldwide.

Mood / Inspiration: Dew drops on a leaf on a misty morning

Description: Positivity

Key Notes: Earthy, Harmonising

Use: The exotic Nag Champa blend is known to cleanse spaces and purify the atmosphere. The aromatic incense is a great tool for meditation and reaching states of deep relaxation.

As we are all spending so much time at home, it maybe the perfect opportunity for you to embrace these wonderful scents which will transform the ambience in your property.

Thank you for reading and stay safe.