Bowling Nite Playing Card Game for Bowling Lanes or at Home!

Home-born in Colorado!

This game plays somewhat like the classic “golf” card game with some added twists and great looking cards! It can be played during bowling instead of poker or played at home with no bowling shoes required! Cards included Strikes, Turkeys, Gutterballs, Splits, and many more common bowling “leaves”. Take turns drawing cards to fill your lanes with low scores, as low score wins in this game.

You get a colorful 77 card deck, instructions, and plastic storage case. Play is easily learned and 2-5 people can play. Age suggestion is about 8 and up. Easy math is all you need to score.

A note: The playing cards were professionally printed, but the instructions and labels for the plastic box were made at a small office in Colorado, where the game was developed. Thank you and thanks for supporting entrepreneurs and small and local businesses!