Make two stunning DIY trees for a friend or anywhere in your home! These fused glass pieces make for some amazing decor. A craft kit will be sent right to you full of everything you need. You'll get ingenious with the decorations and create a joyful art piece. The short instructional video is full of tips so you can ace this DIY craft on your own! These crafting kits can be enjoyed by everyone and are perfect for beginners. They're pretty and more meaningful as gifts when made by your hands. If you know someone who loves handmade gifts, then this is perfect! 

Once you're done, you can post your glass to be fused in the kiln. It will be sent it back usually within a week, ready to be displayed. 

Suitable for age 8+ with adult supervision. 

What's included in the price? 

2 Hand shaped 8cm tall clear glass bases, hangers and embellishments, glue, beads, tweezers, wooden applicators, instructions with design examples, video tutorial, gift box, and return label.

What you will need: Newspaper or scrap paper. Once received, please try to return for firing within six months.