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*2* Camo Special Graphic Edition Eagle Claw Colored Fish Hook Hat Clips

They are 2 inches long and about 1 inch wide. 

They can be worn on a favorite fishing hat, fishing vest, they can be used as a money clip or they look great as a tie clip with that favorite suit

This is a great gift for your Fishing Partners ,Club Members or anyone in the family who fishes

There are lots of ways to display this Clip


***Disclaimer ***

All these Fishing Hook Hat Clips / Pins are brand new

These Special Design Fish Hook Hat Clips are made by Eagle Claw Fishing Tackle Company

The Patterns and Colors Vary from one clip to another

This is the way they come to me from Eagle Claw

The ones you get my not look exactly like the ones in the sale ad.


Also take a look at all the other Colored Fish Hook Hat Clips I have in my other sales

Thanks for looking, Jim

<"(((>< Fishing NW ><)))">