The coasts of Florida are no stranger to pirates of many kinds. Real ones, Disney ones… Strange people dressed as pirates for no good reason ones… Pirates have long vacated this state but their memory and the fact that they were here will last forever.

Florida inhabitants were no strangers to the pirates, in fact, Fernandina would become a pirate base. A place where pirates returned from lands far and wide with gifts for the locals and family who stayed there. Ladies waited at the ports with eager eyes, waiting for the loads of beautiful things to come off the ships. Exotic trinkets, boxes, Egyptian glass bottles... Silky, handwoven fabrics like they had never seen before. Jewelry, statues... Treasure. Pirate treasures.

It was many a young lady who waited at the port, looking out over a foggy sea... Looking for the Black Flags that signaled the return of her pirate...

Pirate skull flag, 3 x 5 feet.