Sorrel Garden Herb Seeds
300+ Seeds!

Common garden sorrel is a cold-hardy perennial herb that thrives in full sun where it gets lots of water or partial shade with moderate water. It likes rich, loamy soil. At its best in cool temperatures, it may die down in the heat of summer. With a lemony flavor, fresh use is best. Sucking on sorrel leaves is said to alleviate thirst.

About Sorrel Plant

Days to Maturity: Perennial
Hardiness Zone: 4-9
Planting Depth: 1/2"
Plant Spacing: 12”-15”
Growth Habit: Upright
Soil Preference: Rich, moist, and well-drained
Temp Preference: Cool
Light Preference: Full sun to partial shade
Color: long green leaves with greenish/white flowers
Flavor: Tart, citrus

Sowing and Growing
Sow sorrel seeds indoors in early spring. Germination takes about 2 weeks. Transplant in mid to late spring. Space plants 12 to 15 inches apart and water generously. This herb grows best in full sun, but a partially shaded environment helps it deal with the heat. Not a beautiful plant and looking a bit weedy, cut back flower stalks to promote new growth. Sorrel does well in a container 6 to 12 inches deep and is ideal to grow as a cool season annual as the young leaves have the best flavor.

Harvest young leaves from established plants and use fresh for the best flavor. The tangy citrus flavor fades as older leaves become bitter, so harvest often to keep new growth coming. Well known for its use in soup, it is also great with fish and vegetables. With its strong yet agreeable flavor it makes a great secret ingredient to add depth of flavor to salads.