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Now to this fine item: 



 96 page

Garden Design & Plants choices according to pets. 

SAFETY of pets.

& more.

Three of our own experiences:

1: In younger years, we had two pet turtles, Barry & Brenda, and a pond in our garden for them.

Our address was painted on their backs, in case they got lost.

One day, Dad was unhappy with slugs in the vegetable garden & put out some bait. 

Sadly, two deceased pets.

2: The whipper-snipper ('strimmer', elsewhere) & our little terrier-cross!

He charged at it to 'play-attack'. My reflexes worked, and he lost neither his nose nor eyesight, but my blood still runs cold when remembering how close his injuries came.

3: Our daughter & partner, living in country Victoria had a trusting Magpie that would come into the house for treats while she was cooking, else sit on their knee to be hand fed . . . . then . . .  a mouse problem, and a single mouse-trap was set . . . . They now have built a special little garden for him, in which he is buried . . . 

So take care, folks. It is, after all, OUR responsibility.

Please see pictures for further details.

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