Turquoise Stretch Bracelet 8mm Round Beads Free Gift Box Info Card USA Seller

Fits 7" - 7.5" wrist

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Turquoise is a power stone and has been used by indigenous people the world over for power and strength!

Chakras: Throat, Heart, High Heart, Sacral

Elements:  Storm

Astrological Signs: Sagittarius, Pisces, Scorpio

Number: #1

Hardness: 5-6

Works well with: Calcite, Shattuckite, Gem Silica, Chrysocolla, Ajoite, Azurite, Malachite, Larimar

Native Americans used in ceremonies to instill power and fearlessness. Turquoise is a Master Healer.


Encourages self-forgiveness

Inspires one to act out of truth and compassion

Facilitates wholeness and truth

Allows one to understand and speak one’s deepest knowledge and truth

Relieves stress

Insists on justice

Melds Father Sky and Mother Earth

Heals and cleanses the physical body

Protects and grounds

Useful during attunements for grounding

Protection during astral travel

Allows Spirit healing

Protects against pollution