What is now Haiti was once the notorious island of Tortuga, famed pirate base. France and Spain have always had problems here and at one point Spain paid rebel slaves in Haiti to rise up against the French. When that revolution was over in 1804, those leaders of the Revolution were made Spanish Generals and given ships and money to escape Haiti.

I imagine these events coincided with one of the Black Caesar legends, the one where he started out as a slave in Haiti… This man would have known of pirates for sure being from Tortuga himself.


The other legend seems like one that Black Caesar may have made up for himself. At any rate, armed with a galleon ship, a crew, money, a taste for revenge against the scheming Spanish, and no place to go. It seems only fit that the infamous Black Caesar of the Florida Keys would have been right at home there. On Elliot Key to be exact.


He was a bloodthirsty pirate, legend had it he was a great African chief, captured by slave traders and he overthrew them, stealing their boat and turning to piracy. It was a good story. What is true is that he raided many, many ships along the Keys and south Florida coast amassing millions of dollars of treasure. Treasure that is rumored to be buried somewhere around the Keys. Read more at 13Beez.Com...

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