The People  of the Leeward Islands, 1620-1860


David Dobson


Volume of 266 pages in new condition.  Description per the publisher;


The Leeward Islands form part of the Lesser Antilles, which  stretch from Puerto Rico to the fringes of Venezuela.  Beginning in the  seventeenth century, the Lesser Antilles attracted immigrants from Europe,  initially from Spain but soon also from the British Isles, France, the  Netherlands, and Scandinavia.  The Leeward Islands consist of Antigua, Barbuda,  St. Kitts, Nevis, Montserrat, the Virgin Islands, St. Bartholomew, St. Martin,  Guadeloupe, St. Thomas, St. Croix, and Anguilla.

During the sixteenth century the Spanish controlled the West  Indies however the English, the Dutch and the French voyaged to the Caribbean,  where they engaged in piracy and raiding Spanish settlements.  By the early  seventeenth century they were beginning to establish permanent settlements  there, such as Barbados in 1626.

The waning of Spanish power during the seventeenth century  enabled Britain, France, and the Netherlands to colonize islands in the West  Indies, especially the Leeward and Windward Islands.  During the eighteenth  century, Britain and France were generally engaged in a power struggle, which  meant that from time to time colonies changed hands; for example, Martinique was  occupied by the British between 1762 and 1763, and from 1794 to 1815. The end of  the Seven Years' War between Britain and France in 1763 resulted in French  colonies, such as St. Vincent and Dominica, being transferred to British rule.

While most of the people in the Leewards today are of African  origin, there is little data in colonial records to positively identify  individuals by race; nevertheless, the people listed in this work are almost  certainly of European origin--and most of them derive from Great Britain and  Ireland. The majority of the latter possess English roots, with a significant  minority coming from Scotland and Ireland.  During the seventeenth and  eighteenth centuries, the British government disposed of rebels and felons by  transporting them for sale to the American Plantations; Cromwell sent Irish  rebels, James II sent Monmouth’s rebels; and the Hanoverian kings sent Jacobites  from England and Scotland, as well as thousands of petty criminals. These  movements account for much of the Leewards’ Caucasian stock. Economic  opportunities, especially in the tobacco, sugar, and slave trades attracted many  emigrants--notably after 1763--to the "Ceded  Islands," those Leeward Islands that were granted to Great Britain as part of  the settlement after the Seven Years' War.  Many of their descendants, both black and white, have in recent years chosen to  immigrate to North America and Europe--all  of which contributes to the Leeward  Islands’ complex and fascinating demographic and genealogical makeup.

This book from David Dobson is based on research into manuscript  and published sources, mainly located in Great Britain, but also in the West  Indies. 


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