Polk Audio Cobra Speaker Cable - Round Version (not flat version) - £53/ Stereo ft

This Japanese made cable has a cult following amongst enthusiasts for having such incredibly low inductance, with the result that it is considered a "fast" cable, full of detail and transparency.  It's drawback is its capacitance which can cause problems for some unstable solid-state amplifiers..  therefore it is normally only recommended for valve amps.

It's full potential is considered to be reached only when used in several parallel runs from speaker to amplifier. That is why these long runs here are perfect for anyone wanting to experience it at it's full potential !  It can easily be adapted to be used in 3 parallel runs for 3m connections or 4 parallel runs for 2.5m connections, from this one purchase.

When constructed like this, these cables are considered some of the best ever produced, beating so many costing £200/stereo ft and upwards !

Looking around at past sales, 2.5m stereo runs have sold for around $600 (it's more common in the US) - here we have 4 times as much cable!

Here are opinions on the sound of this cable in use, from around the internet:

"The Polk is extremely transparent, lucid, clean and extended in the highs. Accordingly, it is not a good match for those audiophiles looking for something "euphonic" to compliment digital or solid-state sound. It is the most revealing cable I have ever heard and it must be used in parallel or else it will sound noticeably "lean" on low-impedance, or even average impedance, speakers"  Art Salvatore - www.high-endaudio.com

Peter Moncrieff of International Audio Review. Here is part of what he wrote in IAR Issue No #9:

"If only Polk's resistance were lower, it would be a virtually perfect speaker cable...The beautifully flat error curve of Polk suggests a plan for creating the virtually perfect cable: run many Polks in parallel."

"They excell at soundstage and midrange detail. " - MadMax, user of Polkaudio.com