Lepidolite Pendant

This listing is for ONE, Sterling Silver, Lepidolite pendant. You will receive one of the three pendants pictured. Each measures 36mm x 7mm, with the double-terminated stone being 25mm x 7mm.

Lepidolite is a high-lithium stone and is very useful in balancing one's emotional body and calming the mind.  It activates the heart chakra, releasing an expansive, loving energy through the auric field.  Lepidolite is deeply relaxing and is one of the most powerful stones for countering stress, worry, fear, grief and other traumatic emotional frequencies.  Lepidolite is the cardinal "stop and smell the roses" stone.  It brings an energetic sigh of relief to the aura, allowing one to let go of concerns, relax, release and enjoy the gifts of life and consciousness.  Lepidolite assists one in perceiving and releasing past emotional trauma which one may still be unconsciously holding.  It prevents one from using such a trauma as a badge of courage or a secret source of pride.  It helps one disengage one's sense of identity from the experiences one has had in the past, and instead encourages one to identify solely with the presence of the Creator and the present moment.  It can help those who continually attract crises in their lives to recognize their role in those creations and stop identifying themselves as victims.

Lepidolite is helpful in balancing emotional extremes.  It allows one to find a strong, stable emotional centre, so the minor upsets and turbulence of life will not push one into emotional tailspins.  It is very useful for hyperactivity and attention deficit.  It is excellent for children, particularly those with sensitive emotional natures.  Lepidolite can be helpful in preventing nightmares and in releasing fear of the unknown or one's concerns about the future.  Lepidolite offers support to those with depressive tendencies or who experience extreme worry.  It can help slow down one's thoughts, assisting one to live in the moment.

Lepidolite encourages release of identification with the ego and acceptance of the present moment as a dwelling place for the soul.

I am a Reiki Master/Teacher and Crystal Healer. I specialize in high frequency healing stones, and I guarantee that all my crystals are 100% genuine. 

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Crystal and gemstone therapy is not meant to take the place of medical advice or treatment. Rather, it is a useful adjunct to medical or naturopathic care.