Army Men II, the sequel to the best-selling title Army Men, takes plastic toy soldier warfare into the kitchen, bedroom, front yard, and garage. Once again Sarge will lead his heroic Green forces into head-melting, plastic-body-part-exploding, combat mayhem; only this time the battle for control is at the kitchen sink!

Crazy New Weapons: Magnifying glasses and spray cans compliment your traditional arsenal.
Improved AI: Intelligent military-styled AI supports your tactics and commands.
Intuitive Interface: New point-and-click mouse interface is easy for beginners and familiar for gamers.
Plastic Warfare's Finest Hour: Nothing's as fun as melting Tan troops into puddles of plastic.
The Kitchen Campaigns: Toy soldier warfare moves to the kitchen, bedroom, front yard, and garage.
Free Multi-Player Competition: New worlds, weapons and interface make this Top 10 multi-player game even better.


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