
This plant bears eddible pads and small & delicious red fruit!

Opuntia cacanapa 'Ellisiana'

Hardy Spineless Prickly Pear

When someone asks for a cold-hardy spineless prickly pear, this is the one to use! Originating in south Texas, it is free of those annoying glochids and spines, and can handle temperatures down to zero. It is also extremely heat tolerant, and its low spreading nature makes it an ideal choice for roadways plantings and even green roofs. During the summer months it sports large bright yellow blossoms that provide nectar for hummingbirds. These are followed by attractive and edible bright red fruit. It is said to be deer resistant. It grows well in full sun or filtered shade, and prefers well-drained soils.

Plant Description

Displays large, bright yellow blossoms in summer and is completely spineless. The prickly pear plant has three different edible sections: the pad of the cactus (nopal), which can be treated like a vegetable, the petals of the flowers, which can be added to salads, and the pear (tuna), which can be treated like a fruit.