Carlos Marx. 

El Capital. Resumido y acompanado de un estudio sobre el socialismo científico por Gabriel Deville.

Madrid. Ricardo Fé, 1887

First edition of this translation into Spanish of Marx's Capital, influential to Spain and the Americas.. 8vo. lvi, 263 pp., complete. 

Scarce first Spanish edition of this translation, of immense influence to Socialism in Spain and later the Americas; this is the most important abridged version of Marx's Capital ever to have appeared. Superior to the one published in the same year by Zafrilla, which is generally considered to be the first Spanish translation of Das Kapital, a defectively translated abridged version from Roy's French version. This Spanish translation was made from the French of Gabriel Deville (1854 -1940), the great French socialist theoretician, politician and diplomat, who did more than almost anyone else to raise awareness of Karl Marx's theories of the weaknesses of capitalism - most effectively through the present work, which came to have a profound influence upon the spreading of Marxist thought throughout the Spanish speaking part of the world.

Bound in half red calf  and red cloth, with gilt lettering to spine, Together with:

PIERRE KROPOTKINE. La Conquista del Pan. Prefacio por Eliseo Reclus. 
Buenos Aires, 1895.

211pp + (1)pp for index . Very scarce 1st Spanish edition of this  work by the Russian anarcho-communist Peter Kropotkin. Originally written in French, it first appeared as a series of articles in the anarchist journal Le Révolté. It was first published in Paris with a preface by Élisée Reclus, who also suggested the title. Between 1892 and 1894, it was serialized in part in the London journal Freedom, of which Kropotkin was a co-founder
