1 lot of 3 Life Magazine articles about Olympic Medalists
3 magazines for 24.99 OBO

Some wear, nicks, and weathering worn edges

LIFE Magazine October 30, 1964 Don Schollander Olympic Swimmer Gold Medallist

Pg… 4 Editorial:"The Week that Was" Will Long be with Us

Pg… 10 LIFE Reviews: Book: J. P. Donleavy's Meet My Maker the Mad Molecule, Reviewed by Douglas M. Davis

Pg… 10 LIFE Reviews: Movie: Fall Sale, Reviewed by Richard Oulahan

Pg… 10 LIFE Reviews: Theater: The Last Analysis, Reviewed by Tom Prideaux

Pg… 23 Letters to the Editors

Pg… 31 The View from Here: What Road Back from Ruin? By Loudon Wainwright

Pg… 32 Taft?Romney?Percy: Three G.O.P. Stars Fight Hard not to be Buried with Barry. By Robert Ajemian

Pg… 40 New Show in Moscow's Red Square: The Russian Leaders Who Ousted Khrushchev Make a Spectacular Public Debut

Pg… 45 A Week of T?te–?–T?tes: All Sorts of Famous People Cozy Up

Pg… 46 In Memory of Cole Porter: A Hard–Working Rich Boy Poured Euphoria Into Unforgettable Songs. By Tom Prideaux

Pg… 46B Items in the News

Pg… 51 Comeback for Crochet: Granny Dresses that Would Scandalize the Victorians

Pg… 61 Return of Maria Callas: Close–Up of the World's Most Tempestuous Opera Star

Pg… 70A Wilson, Man and Boy, at No. 10: Britain's New Prime Minister Moves Into the Official Residence He Visited as a Boy Tourist

Pg… 71 Death of Herbert Hoover

Pg… 74B U.S. Flag Flies High at Tokyo: The Greatest Track and Swimming Teams of All Time Rake in the Olympic Gold Medals

Pg… 93 Balloons for Broken Bones: Handy New Inflatable Splints of Clear Plastic

Pg… 96 U.S. Culture: Don't Knock It: America's Surging Interest in the Arts Produces High Quality in Vast Quantity. By Alvin Toffler

Pg… 107 Heady News for Wine Lovers: Hugh Moffett Reports from France that 1964 Looks Like the Vintage Year of the Century

Pg… 114 Miscellany: Bite–Size Friendship

LIFE Magazine October 9, 1964 Olympic Swimmer Donna de Varona

Pg… 4 Editorial: Our Choice for President and Vice President: Johnson and Humphrey

Pg… 13 LIFE Reviews: Books: Anthony Powell's The Valley of Bones, Reviewed by Arthur Schlesigner Jr.

Pg… 13 LIFE Reviews: Movie: Ingrid Bergman in The Visit, Reviewed by Tom Prideaux

Pg… 13 LIFE Reviews: Comment: Let's Pep Up Those Old Classics, by David E. Scherman

Pg… 29 Letters to the Editors

Pg… 31 Ollie McClung's Big Decision: An Alabama Restaurant Owner Successfully Challenges the Civil Rights Law. Special Report by Michael Durham

Pg… 32 Keating Fights the Kennedy Magic: In a Ripsnorting Campaign for New York's Senate Seat, the Republican Incumbent Faces an Unprecedented Dilemma

Pg… 38 Meanwhile, the Presidential Race: Jet–Hopping All Over, L.B.J. Touches Down to Embrace Mexico's President?and Goldwater Carves an Ox

Pg… 40 Britain's Rousing Election Hush: Labor's Harold Wilson Opposes Prime Minister Douglas–Home in a Sedate Race. By Lee Hall

Pg… 45 Harpo Marx Lovingly Remembered: The Silent Genius Who Made Laughter Ring Out

Pg… 48 Royal Wedding in Athens: Princess Anne–Marie is Denmark's Lovely Gift to Greece. By Hugh Moffett

Pg… 55 All–Star Den of Thieves: The Greatest Movie Caper Since Rififi

Pg… 61 Minstrel with a Mission: Close–Up of Folk–Singer Peter Seeger

Pg… 72 Fashions from Spain: The Dazzling Flair of Spanish Designers

Pg… 91 Tea and Memories with Sean O'Casey: As the World Mourns Ireland's Great Playwright, LIFE'S Gjon Mili Tells of a Last Visit

Pg… 95 Assessing L.B.J. as President: Political Historian James MacGregor Burns Evaluates Johnson's Performance

Pg… 102 Best–Ever U.S. Girl Swimmers: Zippy Teen–Agers All Set to Mine the Olympic Gold

Pg… 110 Strange Case of Dr. Ivy: A Famous Scientist's Obsession with the Discredited Cancer 'Cure' Krebiozen

Pg… 128 A Million Dollars in Tapestries

Pg… 136 Miscellany: Pompons Behind Her in Front

LIFE Magazine February 23, 1968 Peggy Fleming

Pg… 4 Opinion and Comment: Editorial: Wherever We Look, Something's Wrong

Pg… 8–12 Opinion and Comment: Reviews: Book: Morris L. West's "The Tower of Babel," Reviewed by Suzy Eban

Pg… 8–12 Opinion and Comment: Reviews: Movie: "Tell Me Lies," Reviewed by Richard Schickel

Pg… 8–12 Opinion and Comment: Reviews: The Zip Code Caper, Reviewed by William Zinsser

Pg… 18 Opinion and Comment: Letters to the Editors: LIFE's Readers Answer Premier Kosygin

Pg… 20 The Week's News and Features: Khe Sanh: In the Mist–Hung Valley, Marines Withstand Bombardment and Wait for the Surrounding Enemy to Move. Photographed and Written by David Douglas Duncan

Pg… 28D The Week's News and Features: The Presidency: The "Fulfillment" of Robert McNamara. By Hugh Sidey

Pg… 32 The Week's News and Features: Science: Hawaii's Fiery Kilauea Gives Scientists a Unique Look at a Long–Run Volcano

Pg… 36 The Week's News and Features: Washington's Long–Lost Letters: Victory at Trenton, Compassion for the Beaten Enemy and a Revelation of Benedict Arnold's Treachery. How the McDougall Papers were Saved. By Roger Butterfield

Pg… 52A The Week's News and Features: The Smiling Olympians: Virtuoso Performance by a "Pure Ballerina" and Some Other Happy Victors. The Case for?and Against?Skiing in a Fig Leaf. By John R. McDermott

Pg… 61 The Week's News and Features: Politics: A Moral Issue of Garbage: Rockefeller vs. Lindsay. A Tough Old Pragmatist and a Tough Young Idealist Clash Over the New York Strike. By Nick Thimmesch

Pg… 69 The Week's News and Features: Frauds: That Wine, Sir, May not be Wine at All. Sophisticators Fool Italy with Ingenious Food and Drink Swindles. By Robert Daley

Pg… 74 The Week's News and Features: Fashion: Petticoats are Back in the Act and Dresses Come Full Circle

Pg… 80 The Week's News and Features: Miscellany