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The Mudfog papers

Autore: Dickens Charles

Titolo: The Mudfog papers

Editore: Intra

Pagine: 114

Ean: 9791259911032

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A dystopian world in the stories that inspired Westworld- In 1838 Dickens had already imagined a theme park where you can vent the most violent instincts, thanks to anthropomorphic robots . . . The Mudfog Papers is a collection of sketches by Dickens published in Bentley's Miscellany between 1837 and 1838 and describes the local politics of the fictional town of Mudfog - such as the delusions of grandeur of its mayor Nicholas Tulrumble and his disastrous attempts at putting on a public show - and the meetings of its Society for the Advancement of Everything, during which the town is overrun by illustrious scientists and professors conducting ostensibly pointless research. Il Disoriente - Science Fiction Fantasy Adventure A paperback and e-book series published by Intra. Global readability, Italian charm.


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