Phantom Smokey Quartz Crystal

RRP $17.95

Item Details:


4.2 cm


1.5 cm


1.5 cm





Smokey or smoky quartz is a brown or black variety of quartz.

Phantom Quartz crystals are created when another substance other than quartz washes over the crystal leaving a layer on the termination during the crystals natural growth cycle. The crystal continues to grow leaving an image of itself where it was at the time the substance washed over it. Phantoms can be made up of such minerals as Chlorite, Hematite or even Clay. On occasion heat can play a part causing a phantom to be visible through a different colour shade. Most often either Smokey or Amethyst can display these heat induced types of Phantom. The most powerful phantom configurations are termed as being 3D. This is where the substance has totally covered the entire termination, leaving a 3D image rather than if the substance had only covered one side or face of the termination.

Metaphysical Properties:

Phantom crystals are very good for helping us move past blockages, where we may have become "stuck". The type of inclusion that makes up the phantom also plays a part in the gifts that these special crystals have to offer us. They can also be used to project growth and planning milestones.

Smokey quartz is nature's stone of endurance. For an extra boost of energy carry smokey quartz with you. Smokey Quartz is a protection stone that cleanses and clears negative energy. It enhances organizational skills and is good to have around in the workplace or home office. Smokey Quartz is connected with the sounds of the universe. It makes you more aware of sounds including telepathic sounds.


This information is to be used for reference purposes only and does not constitute advice. There is currently no scientific evidence to support crystal healing.