Peruvian Pink Opal Tumbled Stone

RRP $19.95

Item Details:


      2.7 cm


2 cm


1.7 cm





Opal was formed many millions of years ago, when a combination of silica and water flowed into cracks and spaces in the ground. This then gradually hardened and solidified to become opal. Opals contain water, which makes them very sensitive to heat. They are soft and can be cracked or chipped easily.

Metaphysical Properties:

It is especially noted for its energies in healing emotions. Sleeping with pink opal or holding it while in meditation helps to bring compassion and a gentle resolution of painful memories. The opal is said to be many things including the most powerful of healing stones, the stone of hope, the stone of great achievement and even the "stone of the Gods". Ancient Romans associated opal with hope and good luck. It is said to be the stone of love, but only to faithful lovers.

This information is to be used for reference purposes only and does not constitute advice. There is currently no scientific evidence to support crystal healing.