White Tara is one of the forms of Tara. White Tara is also known as the mother of liberalization. She is a female Bodhisattva who sees all suffering and responds to requests for help. Tara is a meditation deity whose practice is believed to bring develop inner qualities and understand outer, inner, and secret teaching about compassion and emptiness. She is very quick to fulfill our wishes and to grant us happiness and long life, as well as to help us develop wisdom. By taking refuge in Tara and practicing meditation, visualizations, and having faith, you have the power to remove obstacles to your life and to prolong your life. 

                                    Mantra: Oṃ Tāre Tuttāre Ture Svāhā

On this Thangka, White Tara also known as “Seven Eyed Tara” is seated on a white lotus with two arms and with eyes on her hand and feet, as well as the third eye on her forehead.  She is known for compassion, long life, healing, and serenity.

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Why and How to hang White Tara Thangka?