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MakupArtist Black Big Bush Human Hair High Density 6g Merkin Female Male Pubic Toupee, this one is also called the Big and Hairy. The Merkin measures 8 inches wide and approximately 7 inches tall. Our Merkin’s make a delightful combination with our high quality fashion wigs to help complete your fantasy. Originally the Merkin was a Female Pubic Toupee and was worn starting around 1420 to help hide the conditions of disease. Today it is used as an erotic appliance. Our Merkins come in four colors, blonde, brunette, red and black and also in four models, Small trimmed, Medium Trimmed, Natural Shaped and the Big Bush. They can be attached with various adhesives such as Spirit gum or medical adhesive or can be sewn to a g-string. It is also possible to trim them into any shape you wish such as heart-shaped.


Item Location:

This mask is located in the MakupArtist Studios in Oregon and will take about 5 days to reach you by post. Items are usually shipped the same day as payment and we do have FedEx available for you as an option also. If you wish express shipping please drop us a note with your location and we will send you a quote. We also do except Paypal and have a bank in Germany for direct European transfers. Custom work will generally add at least a week to your order. At the end of the auction you will receive an email with a full description of payment options. Please drop us a note if you have any questions or concerns. 


The buck stops here so to speak as we will do anything possible to make you happy with our products. If you have any problems at all with what you have received from us just drop us a note and we will figure out how to make it right for you. If you want to return a product it is very important you do this as soon as possible and do not use it in anyway this will assure you of our prompt attention. Be sure to read all the information in this auction so you are an educated buyer and understand completely what you are buying. Remember that in the electronic age sometimes things do not work so be sure to use all available communication avenues before you get angry with us as sometimes email does not work and sometimes eBay mail does not work. If you have not received an answer from us in two days then something is wrong with the electronics so please just give us a call or Skype us.



This item is a Hollywood quality special effect and with your purchase comes the support of MakupArtists’s Makeup Artist staff. If you have any questions on how to use these products or what to do to get the most realistic effect then drop us a note and we will get you the guidance you are after for in the long run you take our products and simple add your imagination. It should be noted if you have a latex allergy buying and wearing latex masks is not a good idea. If you have any reaction to any latex mask such as a rash or difficulty breathing discontinue its use. We also do not recommend smoking, drinking or driving with a mask on. Please try to use your best judgment when wearing a mask and plan to give yourself time to breathe often without the mask on. We want you to have a safe masking experience. Please write us if you have any questions.