Handmade Elephant Cow Horn Ornament
Large, 3.5 x 2.5 inches
Sustainably Sourced from Uganda Cattle Keepers, Supports Local Economy
Each purchase helps eduacte Uganda women and children, and provide business opputunities
Hang on your Christmas Tree or give as a Gift!

Ankole cow horns are flattened and used to create ornaments that are each unique in color and pattern. The craftsmen who create these designs purchase horns directly from cattle keepers, enabling local cattle keeping commubnities in Uganda to thrive. The craftsmen remain enviromentally sensitive by engineering creative uses of all cow horn and bone waste material, making thier work enviromentally friendly, culturally sensitive, and sustainable.

Each purchase supports Project Have Hope's mission of educating women and children, and providing business oppurtunities to empower women in Uganda and give them the courage to dream.
