BULLFIGHTING - Arrastre Del Toro - Spanish Flags:  In the bullfighting world , dragging is the team of mules that drags the bull out of the ring of the bullring.  The drag, led by the mulilleros , parades at the end of the paseíllo , after alguaciles and gangs . He intervenes at the end of each fight, to remove the body of the bull from the ring to take it to the slaughterhouse, where it will be immediately sold as fighting bull meat.   If the animal has been good, it will be honored before its retirement with a return to the ring.   In the old days, the drag shot was also used to remove the bodies of dead horses.  At that time, two drag shots were used that parade during the walk .  Article 33 of the bullfighting regulations provided that these two crews were occasionally replaced, in small bullrings with limited resources, by motorized vehicles. However, the city of Nimes has preserved the tradition of the two trailing shots. In 1956, in Soria , there was even talk of the definitive replacement of mules by a tractor, which caused such outrage in the national association of bullfighting businessmen that withdrew the project, for the city of Soria in any case.  This Undivided Back Era (1901-07) postcard is in good condition.  M. Rieder Pub.  Los Angeles, Cal.  No. 8553.