Lilith Ritual Oil Charged and Consecrated 1/2 oz bottle

Formed from the dust of Earth, Lilith is the spirit of sensuality and freedom.

Strong and independent, she was created to become Adams first wife. She refused to submit to him, and was cast from the Garden of Eden. Demonized for her refusal to lay beneath Adam, Lilith boldly encourages women to be strong, courageous, and stand up for what they believe in, no matter what the cost may be.

She embodies power, she is the Queen of the Night and Goddess of the Dark Moon.
She is Lilith, our Feminine Divine.

Use this oil for Attraction and love spells, self love spells and any spells working with Lilith

Use this Oil to invoke the energy of Lilith, use it to anoint spell candles, anoint charms and amulets, add it to your bath water, and rub it in your hands and pulse points (oil is safe for skin but patch test is recommended)