Thelma et Louise (Thelma and Louise) est un film américain réalisé par Ridley Scott en 1991, qui a reçu l'Oscar du meilleur scénario. Avec Geena Davis (Thelma) et Susan Sarandon (Louise) dans les rôles principaux, il raconte l'histoire de deux femmes dont l'excursion d'un week-end se transforme en cavale à travers les États-Unis. Ce film met également en scène Harvey Keitel, ainsi que Brad Pitt dont la carrière a été lancée par ce long métrage.

Écrit par la scénariste Callie Khouri, ce film a failli ne jamais voir le jour devant la méfiance de bon nombre de producteurs et réalisateurs, en raison de son thème et de sa scène finale d'anthologie qui tranchaient avec la production hollywoodienne classique.

À sa sortie, ce film a suscité une polémique aux États-Unis, notamment parce qu'il mettait en scène deux héroïnes répondant par les armes à la violence masculine. À l'intersection de plusieurs genres cinématographiques, il est aujourd'hui considéré comme un classique, a influencé d'autres films et œuvres artistiques, et est devenu un film culte du féminisme

Résultats de traduction

NEW POSTER OF THE RIDLEY SCOTT FILM "TELMA ET LOUISE" in 120x160 - SYNOPSIS Thelma and Louise (Thelma and Louise) is an American film directed by Ridley Scott in 1991, which received the Oscar for best screenplay. Starring Geena Davis (Thelma) and Susan Sarandon (Louise) in the lead roles, it tells the story of two women whose weekend excursion turns into a run across the United States. This film also stars Harvey Keitel, as well as Brad Pitt, whose career was launched by this feature film. Written by screenwriter Callie Khouri, this film almost never saw the light of day due to the mistrust of many producers and directors, because of its theme and its anthology final scene which contrasted with classic Hollywood production. When it was released, this film sparked controversy in the United States, in particular because it featured two heroines responding with arms to male violence. At the intersection of several cinematic genres, it is today considered a classic, has influenced other films and artistic works, and has become a cult film of feminism.

Résultats de traductionNEW POSTER OF THE RIDLEY SCOTT FILM "TELMA ET LOUISE" in 120x160 SYNOPSIS Thelma and Louise (Thelma and Louise) is an American film directed by Ridley Scott in 1991, which received the Oscar for best screenplay. Starring Geena Davis (Thelma) and Susan Sarandon (Louise) in the lead roles, it tells the story of two women whose weekend excursion turns into a run across the United States. This film also stars Harvey Keitel, as well as Brad Pitt, whose career was launched by this feature film. Written by screenwriter Callie Khouri, this film almost never saw the light of day due to the mistrust of many producers and directors, because of its theme and its anthology final scene which contrasted with classic Hollywood production. When it was released, this film sparked controversy in the United States, in particular because it featured two heroines responding with arms to male violence. At the intersection of several cinematic genres, it is today considered a classic, has influenced other films and artistic works, and has become a cult film of feminism