You can use chemicals, electronic ultrasound devices, and other harsher methods but this is a very simple method to keep geese from sticking around that have walked or flown onto your yard or driveway leaving their little presents behind. I have 3 acres and a lake across the street so I get constant visitors as they live in the small lake and seemingly daily wish to walk across the street sloooowly not responding to loud voices or car horns. So, I used this basic laser with a special light color and simply put the beam on one of their bodies (not their eyes) and they will scatter within seconds. It is absolutely amazing. And you don't have to even get close to the flock. I do mine from about 200 feet away. Gets them flying away in panic mode every time. Best used when it is not full bright sun and either later in the day or morning or when it might be a little cloudy. If you use it in full sun, the effective distance is much shorter. More like 50 feet. It is only effective on geese. I have daily visits from a family of deer right up to my house and they could care less when I use this, so please use it carefully and never on humans or other animals and never ever in the eyes. It also makes for a great laser pointer if you wish to use it for that also. A greenish color which has the greatest range. Powered by USB so it doesn't need user-installed continual batteries and is rechargeable over and over. USB cord included. All aluminum and very sturdy and well-made. Yes, it is basically a powerful long-range laser but color matched to provide the most effective range and purpose which geese simply don't like and are afraid of. This is a single use deterrent that will simply chase them away when you don't want them there. Remember, geese can be very aggressive so the fact that you can scare them away from up to 200 feet is a real plus. I use it daily and it indeed, really works. Now I can walk down my long driveway without always having to watch where I step.