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Artikel: Ein Warhammer Batteltome Daughters of Khaine in der limitierten Edition.

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Bitte beachte, dass es sich um ein Produkt in englischer Sprache handelt.

Many are the tales told of the Daughters of Khaine, those fearsome and bloodthirsty zealots who hail from the shadowed lands of Ulgu. Masters of blade and umbral magic, they seek out battle with manic fervour, for slaughtering foes and bathing in their blood grants them terrible power. Guided by the will of Morathi, their mysterious and cunning ruler, Khaine’s faithful go forth in search of conquest and sacrifice.

With Morathi ascended, the Daughters of Khaine are ready to take on the worst the Mortal Realms have to offer. With their mix of highly-mobile, aggressive units, empowering sorcery, and deadly Heroes, this is an army that wants to get in their opponents face. This battletome will help generals make the most of their unusual abilities and tactics. Customise your army to your preferred play style with six different Temples of Khaine, each with their own abilities, traits, and Artefacts of Power. This essential guide also contains a wealth of updated background material detailing the aftermath of events in Broken Realms: Morathi, painting guides, and stunning art.

Show your loyalty to Morathi with this lavish limited edition battletome, which is individually numbered inside the front cover. That same cover is printed in a soft touch finish with beautiful art, the pages edges are gilded, and a black silk ribbon bookmark nestles between the leaves.

This 104-page hardback book contains:

– Allegiance abilities for the Daughters of Khaine, including a variety of battle traits

– 6 Temples of Khaine, including abilities, command traits, and Artefacts of Power.

– Lore of Shadows spell table

– Prayers of the Khainite Cult prayer table

– 1 Ceremony of Blood battleplan

– Rules for creating a Daughters of Khaine warband for Path to Glory, including Champion and Followers Rewards Tables

– 7 warscroll battalions

– 23 warscrolls, including 2 endless spells and 1 Invocation of Khaine warscroll

– Pitched battle profiles for all units and endless spells featured in this battletome

Zustand: Sehr gut

Sprache: Englisch

Bietet Hintergrundwissen, Geschichten, Regeln und andere Wege der Inspiration.

Vollständigkeit und Vollzähligkeit ist aus den Fotos ersichtlich.

Fragen beantworte ich gerne.

Hinweis: Die Verwendung von Markengeschützten Eigennamen erfolgt ausschließlich zur Produktbeschreibung.

Achtung: Nicht geeignet für Kinder unter drei Jahrenwegen verschluckbarer Kleinteile Copyright Hinweis: Games Workshop, Warhammerund White Dwarf sind eingetragene Warenzeichen von Games Workshop Ltd2000-2011. Space Marine, Eldar, Codex usw. sind Warenzeichen von Games WorkshopLtd 2000-2011. Benutzung ohne Berechtigung. Alle Rechte liegen bei GamesWorkshop Ltd UK. Eine umfangreichere Warenzeichenliste findet man auf der Webseitevon Games Workshop Ltd.


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