This is a high quality exact reproduction of a wood knob made in resin. It's colored to look like an original wood knob. It was cast from an original wood knob so the grain is evident in the knob. On a radio, it's difficult to tell it's not a wooden knob.

Used on models: 5S29, 5S56, 5S150, 5S151, 5S161, 5S119, 5S126, 5S127, 6S52, 6V27, 6V62, 7D119, 7D126, 7D127, 7D138, 7D148, 7S53, 12A58

Dimensions: 1-3/8" diameter, 3/4" tall, fits a 1/4" flatted shaft

I try to ship all orders a day or two after I receive them. If by chance, the item is out of stock, it may take a few extra days for me to make more; longer if I have to make a new mold. In that case, I'll contact you to let you know. (I make nearly all of the radio parts in my listings.)

If, after 7 business days, you haven't received your item, feel free to contact me.

Nearly all of the parts available on my eBay store were made by Renovated Radios, LLC in Michigan. I've been making antique radio parts now for over 12 years. I still do some custom work, but most of my time is taken up by making over 350 different rubber and plastic parts for antique radios and some record players.

Contact can be made through eBay Messaging.