Please note that this cable is now available in WHITE, as well as the traditional ice blue. If you prefer white, please just email us on purchase.

Perfect for use in high-quality budget systems and for surround speakers, this 13-gauge cable – 100% Made in Sweden – performs on a par with MUCH more expensive kit.

Brilliant engineering on the part of Jenving Technology has produced the only audiophile-quality budget cable on the planet. By (inexpensively) tin-plating OFC copper, Jenving all but eliminates “skin effect,” current jumps between wire surfaces, and – critically – inductance. Suffice it to say that inductance in speaker cables robs them of high frequencies – and, with their tin-plating technology patented world-wide, only Supra Cables can approach the high-frequency performance of expensive litz wire (in which each strand is individually shielded, at great expense). Truly, this is Porsche performance at Hyundai prices!

As the esteemed British publication, What Video & TV?, said of the Classic:

“Sound quality from a Dolby Digital source is…impressive – a distinct leap forward over 'bodge' cabling..

“Bass is more articulate and better-defined, while fine details - notably those at the treble end - are delicately portrayed. The pace and rhythm of music soundtracks (DVDs and CDs) are also conveyed well. In all, a very nice cable for the money.”

Please note that you are buying bulk cable for DIY (please see our separate eBay listings for Supra's gold-plated copper spades and bananas for termination). But please strongly consider going old-school - by using bare wire connections (i.e., without termination); if you think about it, solder and terminations constitute another step in the audio chain - and add significantly to cost.

When ordering, please enter in the "quantity" box the exact number of meters (1 meter = 3.28 feet) required for your installation - e.g., if you need a three-meter pair for stereo, enter "6" (3+3) in the box; if you require, for five-channel home theater, a four-meter pair for your fronts, a three-meter for your center channel, and an eight-meter pair for your rears, enter "27" (4+4+3+8+8); etc. If you'd like us to cut those specific lengths for you, please be sure to so specify in the "Message To Seller" box at checkout. International buyers: minimum purchase = 10 meters.